“It’s all paid for, Mr. Brewster,” I told him. “If you’ll show me where your car is, I’ll walk it out for you.”

His eyes widened as he shook his head. “Oh, no— Mr. Brewster is my brother-in-law,” he said huskily. “I’m Ryan Walters, uncle to this little guy and his two older sisters, who are home helping,” he grinned, “their mom finish decorating for tomorrow’s party.”

His face went serious as he looked across the counter at me. “I’m single, no children of my own. Yet.”

The emphasis he put on the word yet, and the way he stared at me pointedly as he did, made me feel all sorts of flushed. I also experienced a large amount of relief. He wasn’t taken. I grinned up at him like an idiot as I rolled his name around in my head. Ryan. Yes, I thought, it fit him. He definitely wasn’t a Harrison.

“Hi Ryan,” I said shyly.

His eyes flared with heat, like hearing me say his name had pleased him. “What’s your name?”

I licked my lips and smiled. “Julia.”

“Perfect,” he murmured.

My pulse raced as I smiled bashfully. Something monumental was happening, something I’d been searching for as far back as I could remember. We stared at each other silently for a few moments before Emmett interrupted.

“Unca Ry, you starin! Mommy say that is ruuuudeee.”

Ryan barked out a laugh and looked down at Emmett. “Buddy, trust me. Your mom would sign off on me standing here staring at Julia all day long.”

I knew I was blushing like a fool, but I didn’t care.

Ryan looked back at me and grinned. “Kid doesn’t realize what a big moment this is. He’ll get it someday.”

Holy. Cannoli. Ryan Walters was definitely interested in me.

“Come on Ry,” Emmett whined dramatically, “I wanna take my bots home!”

I couldn’t contain my laugh.

“We should take the cake to your car before he explodes,” I giggled. “Let me pick it up—”

Ryan shook his head. “You don’t lift a thing,” he said. “I’ll carry it. Would you be willing to hold Emmett’s hand on the way to my car?”

I nodded before walking around the counter to hold my hand out to Emmett. That close to Ryan, I could smell his cologne. It was sporty, masculine, and immediately conjured up images of snuggling into him. I’d never been affected by a man’s scent before, but Ryan’s had me salivating. Emmett was adorable, sliding his hand into mine without hesitation. Once Ryan picked up the cake, I trailed along behind him as we left the store.

“Did you make my bots?”

I grinned down at his sweet little face. “I baked your cake and did the robots. My friend Gina did all of the icing and put it together.”

“You did real good,” Emmett praised sweetly.

Ryan’s car was parked in one of the spots directly in front of the store. I eyed up the black Mercedes appreciatively as he put the cake in the passenger seat and buckled it in. I thought the car fit him perfectly. Sleek and impressive, the man and the car both had great lines, Ryan being the far more appealing eye candy of the two. When he came around the car to where I was standing with Emmett, he seemed very focused. On me.

“I need to see you again,” he announced.

I bit my lip and tried not to squeal like I’d just been handed a backstage pass to meet my favorite band.

“Like a date?” I asked.

“Yeah,” he said huskily. “Exactly like a date.”

“Even though Mommy said you only date your fist?” Emmett asked in a singsong voice.

Ryan’s eyes went wide with mortification as he shook his head frantically.

“No I don’t,” he exclaimed. “I swear that’s not… my sister is… holy sh—I’m mortified right now.”

I laughed and waved him off. “It’s okay,” I assured him. It was kind of sweet the way his nephew had outed him. And if his sister said he dated his fist that was a good indicator he wasn’t a man whore. Somehow I’d already known that, though. Ryan blew out an exasperated breath as he looked down at Emmett.

“Buddy, what’s up with throwing Uncle Ryan under the bus? I thought we were tight.”

Emmett frowned up at his uncle. “I ain’t see no bus,” he said.

“Figure of speech,” Ryan chuckled.

Emmett shrugged. “Don’t know what that means. Can we take my bots home now? I wanna show Rosalie and Alice.”

My eyes widened as I took that in. Giggling, I looked up at Ryan. “I’m guessing your sister is a big Twilight fan,” I said.

He grinned. “Yeah. She’s currently pregnant with Jasper.”

“Wow,” I laughed. “That’s commitment to a theme.”

“That’s my sister,” Ryan joked. “She’s nothing if not thorough.”

“You should come home with us,” Emmett blurted. “She loves cake.”

I immediately started shaking my head, but was cut off when Ryan said, “That’s a great idea, bud.”