“Colin!” I cry, my body beginning to tremble as he applies more pressure. “Yes! Now!”

The orgasm hits me hard, the magic of it racing through my veins as he slows down and moves his tongue from the very tip of my clit but doesn’t stop licking me. I let out a gasp when he slides his finger against my opening, slowing circling it. Lifting his head, he grins devilishly as he slowly starts pushing inside.

“You’ll like this next one even better,” he promises, “but the one after that where you come all over my dick will be your fav—”

His sudden stop confuses me. Looking down, I see him staring up at me wide-eyed.

“What is it?” I ask.

“You’re a virgin,” he whispers.

Right at that moment, I realize I’m feeling his finger against the evidence of that very thing. I nod and cock my head. “Does it matter?”

His eyes bulge out almost comically. “Does it matter?” he asks incredulously. “Leni, this isn’t at all what—”

The sound of the kitchen door opening stops everything on a dime. “Since you didn’t text back with your order we got you hot fudge sundaes,” Lolo calls.

“Stay in the kitchen!” Colin yells.

Scrambling off the couch, I grab my dress and underwear and race for the stairs, ignoring the twinge of my ankle.

Somehow he gets rid of Sam and Lolo without me seeing them. I wonder what they thought when he called out for them to stay in the kitchen, but assume I'll never know. When he knocks on my bedroom door and says we need to talk my stomach plummets.

Everything he says after that is nothing but a series of words that tell me one thing—he thinks being with me would be a mistake.



As I turn to walk around my car to go to head to the house, Colin opens the side door. I swallow thickly as his gaze connects with mine as I cross the driveway and then brush past him at the side door, which he holds open for me. I wrinkle my nose as I smell something unfamiliar to the house hanging in the air but then forget all about it as Colin continues to hold my gaze as he closes the door behind him.

“I was afraid you wouldn’t come. I’m glad you’re not avoiding me anymore.”

My pulse speeds up as I spin on my heels and cross my arms over my chest.

“You think I’ve been avoiding you?” I ask, my tone one of clear disbelief. “That’s rich, all things considered. You’re the one who said I needed to focus on myself and finish out college—all while I begged you to reconsider. Then you disappeared into thin air and stopped calling or writing.”

He sighs and leans back against the door.

“Don’t twist things around, Little Bird. I called you every day for three weeks, and you didn't answer the damn phone even once. I let up because I could see you were angry and needed time to stew."

“You’re damn right I was angry. You made it seem like my being a… a virgin,” I continue after a pause, “somehow made me defective. You have no clue how humiliating that was. Yeah, you called but after the way things shook down, you should’ve realized why I wasn’t answering. I was embarrassed. And what? Now you’re just—” I gesture to the room around me “—here?”

“Yes, I’m here. I’m home," he stresses. "But to be perfectly blunt, today hasn't gone the way I'd hoped, and I've spent the hours since you left the gym wondering if I'm too damn late. Is there something you want to tell me, Leni?

I don't know what the hell that means, and I'm too agitated to decipher it.

"Too late for what?" I snap. "You didn't even see me in the gym today! I might as well have been invisible, and I wasn't even fifteen feet from you. Not once did I see you looking through the crowd for me even though you had to know I was there. Do you have any idea how badly that hurt?"

Putting his hand up to the back of his neck, he rubs at it as if he's stressed. "Of course I knew you were there, Leni. I always know where you are, even if you think I don't. You have no idea how fucking difficult it was not to look your way today, but it had to be done. If I want to keep this job—and keep us in the position of living in this house full time—I needed to keep to my end of the agreement, which was something I was hoping to discuss with you. Meanwhile none of that really fucking matters right now after what I saw in the gym this afternoon."

I'm so confused I must look like Britney Spears judging the X Factor, and it's surprising that there are not little birds circling my head. "What did you see in the gym this afternoon?"