Before I could get back to the decision making process, my belly lurched again and I jackknifed straight up, swung my legs around and darted to the bathroom in one quick move. I locked the door behind me and turned on the sink and shower water before I fell to my knees in front of the toilet. It took a moment or two and a few minutes of retching, but eventually the nausea was gone and I thoroughly rinsed out my mouth before enjoying a long hot shower.

I felt good when I stepped out of the shower, refreshed and deliciously sore in all the right places. Drew sat on the bed and watched me as soon as the door opened. “Good morning.”

“Are you all right?”

I winced at his harsh tone. “I’m fine. I tried to shield the sound.”

“Didn’t work.” Drew flashed a sexy smile and I shrugged.


“Don’t be sorry, just tell me you’re all right.”

I melted a little at the thought that he was worried about me. “I’m fine. Maybe I picked up some sickness recently.” It wouldn’t be the first time or the last. “I’ll double up on the vitamin C today.”

He looked as if he didn’t believe me, which was a little insulting.

“Maybe we should just take a break until whatever this is comes and goes.”

“That’s not what I’m saying, Zola.”

“I know. But we can’t have both of us out with an illness. The gossip will spread like crazy.”

“I don’t give a damn about the gossip, Zola.”

“Oh.” I snapped my mouth shut. “All right. Anyway I should probably get going so I can go home to change before my shift starts.”

“Just bring an extra outfit,” he growled.

“I didn’t think that’s what this was, Drew.” I shook off that thought and the sad tone I heard. “Never mind. I’ll see you later. Thanks for the enchiladas. And the orgasms.”

“Thanks for an unforgettable night.”

“Ditto,” I sighed longingly and then raced from Drew’s house like I was being chased. Not that Drew was the sort of man who chased, he wasn’t, but it all felt like too much but also not enough.

But Drew’s concern over my health triggered my own worry and I made an appointment to get a checkup with Persy at the end of my shift, which gave me the whole day to wonder about the variety of illnesses and diseases that could be trying to kill me or end my career prematurely. I’d even found a few new illnesses to pre-diagnose myself with before the clock struck five.

I’m fine. Just a little run down from all the late night sex sessions with Drew. Between spending my evenings with Drew, finding time to read the latest medical achievements, research new surgical procedures, and see patients, I haven’t had much time for myself. It was easy to see why I felt so tired all the time, but like I said, his worry intensified my own and by the time five o’clock rolled around, I was ready for answers.

“What do you mean tomorrow morning? You can’t tell me anything sooner than that?”

Persy rolled her eyes and let out the world’s most patient sigh. “It’s the end of the day, Zola. Tomorrow morning is the earliest you should expect any results.”

“Fine.” That wasn’t the news I wanted to hear, but like Persy said there was nothing she could do about it tonight.

“What’s the hurry?” Persy eyed me skeptically, arms folded as if she was trying to figure something out.

“No hurry, I just hate waiting,” I told her in as casual a tone as possible. “Are you and Ryan planning a big wedding?”

She let out a loud laugh and shook her head. “Don’t try to change the subject, Zola. What’s going on?”

“Nothing. I’m just feeling a little under the weather and I don’t like it.” It was as simple as that.

“Fine, we’ll play it your way.” Persy tapped her toe on the floor and then she took a seat on the stool in front of me, her violet eyes fixed directly on mine. “Maybe we’ll have a big wedding, but I want to wait a little longer. Titus and Ryan adore each other, but I want Titus to get used to seeing us in this new capacity before we set a date. Is that way too overprotective?”

“No,” I sighed. “Parents do things all the time without thinking about how it will affect the children. I respect that you’re thinking of him. A lot.” My own parents were too self-absorbed with their own fame to even consider that I might not want to be photographed every second of my life, especially during puberty.

“Good.” Persy nodded and looked down at the tablet still clutched in her hand. “Is this right? Your last period was three months ago? Almost three and a half.”

I frowned. “No. That can’t be right…can it?” I dug in my bag for my phone and the period tracker app I used, which was damn hard to do while my fingers trembled with fear and anxiety. “No.”