“My what?” Rayne gasped.

Leaning close, Eno brushed his lips against Rayne’s ear. “You naked in the shower with me yet again. I wouldn’t even try to control myself. I’d have to fuck you so hard, make sure you could feel me for days.”

A shudder ran through Rayne, and that delicious whimper he’d been hoping for finally leaked out. Maybe he did own Rayne deep down in the secret core of his darkest fantasies, but it was only fair since this man fully possessed his heart and soul.

“Let me touch you,” Rayne pleaded. He turned his face and gingerly kissed Eno again and again. Small teasing kisses that steadily wore away at Eno’s defenses. He parted his lips, welcoming Rayne into his mouth.

There was a tiny tug and then those wicked fingers were sliding inside of his underwear and caressing his straining length. He moaned into Rayne’s mouth as his hips thrust upward, trying to get more contact. Skin pulled and slid in the sweat that coated his flesh. It felt amazing, but he needed more. He made another noise and Rayne jerked back, a frown turning his puffy lips downward.

“You’re too noisy,” Rayne grumbled. He looked around for a second before snatching up a washcloth and shoving it into Eno’s mouth. The frown was replaced by the dirtiest grin he’d ever seen on Rayne’s perfect mouth. If anything, it pushed Eno closer to the edge. “That’s better.”

He placed a hand in the center of Eno’s chest and shoved until Eno’s shoulders were resting against the mirror. “Don’t move.”

There was no fucking way he was moving a single muscle when Rayne was in the mood to be bossy. So far, Eno had always been the one in control. He’d started to think Rayne preferred it that way. But this commanding side was frying Eno’s few working brain cells.

His lover turned to the door and quickly flipped the lock. Returning to the sink, he dug through the first-aid kit, coming up with the tube of ointment he’d been using. With that in hand, he resumed his place between Eno’s thighs.

The damn washcloth was forgotten in his mouth, and he tried to ask what Rayne was thinking, but it came out a muffled mess. Rayne’s grin turned even filthier, and Eno could only moan.

“Yes, I think that’s perfect,” Rayne murmured. He lowered his gaze and started working Eno’s cargo pants down, exposing more of his dick and balls, leaving them framed by his pants. “Look at you. Even a disgusting mess, fresh from killing countless Empire soldiers, you’re perfect. Spread out and hard just for me.” Rayne’s pale-green eyes seemed to grow darker as he took in every inch of Eno spread out in front of him.

A muffled sound rumbled up Eno’s throat that might have been begging. It was as if Rayne was determined to make him come from a look and a few words. If anyone was capable of accomplishing such a feat, it would be Rayne Laurent.

Slowly, Rayne picked up the ointment and squeezed a good dollop on his hand. Those lips twisted into a smirk as he lifted his hand to make sure Eno could see him spreading it among his fingers. Torture. The sexy, evil bastard was a master of torture, because Eno was ready to beg for mercy. He’d give up any and all of Erya’s secrets to get Rayne to touch him.

At last, those slick fingers wrapped around Eno’s dick, sliding up his entire length with almost painful slowness. What he hadn’t been expecting was Rayne’s other hand cupping his sac, fondling his balls. Oh fuck, he was going to come. His orgasm was ripping out of his grasp and barreling down on him despite Rayne having barely touched him.

Eno gritted his teeth, biting on the washcloth, praying it was enough to hold back his shouts. But he didn’t really care. Rayne’s fingers were magic. His entire body was tensed and tingling with the need to come. Even his brain was swimming, starved for blood and air.

And then his wicked lover decided to kick him right over the edge.

Rayne leaned in close, that dirty smug expression on his face as he whispered, “This is exactly how I imagined you’d look right as I shoved deep inside your ass.”

That picture slammed into his brain, and it was like being struck by lightning. Eno jerked and shattered. He came so fucking hard he saw stars. He felt like he was shouting but he had no idea if any noise made it past the blessed washcloth in his mouth. He couldn’t hear anything over the pounding of his heart in his ears. Rayne continued to stroke his dick, squeezing out every drop of cum onto his stomach.

When a final whimper and shiver left Eno, Rayne released his cock, carefully letting it rest on his stomach. That dirty smile was replaced with something surprisingly tender as he carefully pulled the washcloth from Eno’s mouth.