“Your Majesty, are you alone? Are you hurt?” the voice demanded, sounding both relieved and anxious.

“I’m alone with Rayne Laurent. We are unhurt. Who is this?” Caelan demanded.

“General Johanna Morgan, head of the East Erya Field Army.”

Rayne closed his eyes, trying to picture the woman that went with the name. He didn’t know the various generals and commanders well as most of his dealings had been with ministers and foreign diplomats, but he would recognize all of them on sight, thanks to a thorough study of their pictures and backgrounds.

If he was remembering correctly, General Morgan was a tall Black woman from eastern Erya, about five hundred miles from the Ilon border. Graduated at the top of her class at the Stormbreak university before entering the academy to become a member of the Royal Guard. History and political science major, strong in strategy. Unwavering sense of right and wrong, which tended toward an all-or-nothing frame of mind.

She wouldn’t have been Rayne’s first choice among the generals. There were a few who tended to be blind supporters of the crown, which would help Caelan, but Morgan had a pristine reputation that would give some added clout to the king’s cause.

“General, I’m hoping to say that it is good to hear from you. Considering how I got this phone, I’m assuming you know the political state of things,” Caelan said cautiously. He glanced over at Rayne, who nodded. Caelan was not revealing too much, wanting to leave the general some room in which to maneuver.

“I’m aware that Chancellor Croft is attempting to illegally seize power and is attempting to make deals with the Empire.” It sounded as if Morgan was nearly snarling with pent-up rage.

“She would argue that she’s saving the people of Erya,” Rayne prodded.

“I say she’s selling our people out and setting herself up as a pathetic puppet like the damned President of Damardor.”

“Do you know it you’re the only one with that sentiment within the military? Have you been in contact with anyone else?”

“Yes, and I’m not alone, but she’s ordered us to stay a hundred miles outside the city. She claims that this dispute can be settled peacefully.”

Rayne’s mind was still stuck on the “hundred miles” comment when Caelan’s temper snapped again.

“Peacefully?” he roared. “New Rosanthe attacked Stormbreak, killed our queen, and has slaughtered an unknown number of Erya citizens and she wants to conclude this peacefully?”

Rayne placed a hand on Caelan’s shoulder and squeezed. He needed his prince to remain calm, but was there any point when he was still grieving and raging through this convoluted mess?

“I would prefer to settle this peacefully as well to keep our people safe, but I agree that New Rosanthe has to answer for its crimes.” The general paused and sighed heavily into the phone. The woman sounded weary, weighed down by a situation that likely felt out of her control. “I don’t know the full story of what happened that day, but I do know that the queen died fighting and protecting our home. She needs to be honored for her sacrifice.”

“Thank you, General. I have no doubt that the queen will be properly honored when the Empire has been forced from Stormbreak and the people of Erya are safe again,” Rayne smoothly said.

“Yes. Yes, you’re right. In the meantime, what can I do, Your Majesty?”

Caelan looked over at Rayne, frowning deeply. “General, you have to realize that anything I tell you will likely be against the chancellor’s orders and will inevitably risk the lives of the Royal Guard and even our citizens,” Caelan answered. His voice was surprisingly soft. “Seeing as I have not been officially named king yet and I’m currently under house arrest, my power is limited. However, I will say that my number-one priority right now getting our people fed. I have people working to free Green Gate, General. Everything else can wait. Do with that what you will.”

“Understood, my king,” the General said and promptly ended the call.

Caelan picked up the phone and handed it over to Rayne while pinning him with a questioning gaze. “Well?”

“I believed her,” Rayne answered without hesitation. “It could all be a ruse orchestrated by Croft, but I don’t recall Morgan ever being a big supporter of the chancellor. The general is more focused on what is best for the citizens of Erya. Directing her toward Green Gate was a strong move. If you had directed her to free you or protect the Godstone, she might have balked.”

Caelan grunted in agreement and picked up his nearly empty bowl of rice. They’d both consumed the chicken and bread quickly, but the rice was less appealing. His prince moved the rice around with his fork a little, seeming lost in thought.

“I won’t lie and say that I don’t want to be bonded as soon as possible,” Caelan mumbled. “If I’m bonded with Tula, then attaining the power of the goddess becomes a moving target for the Empire to capture.”