“We are all quite surprised to learn that you are still alive, Your Majesty,” Octavia began brightly. She busied herself with pouring herself a cup of tea and adding a lump of sugar. “The Empire was very fast to announce your death, and considering the state of the Royal Towers, we had no reason to believe it was anything other than the truth.”

“Really? You were so eager to believe the word of my mother’s killers as truth. Did you bother to seek proof?” Caelan replied, trying not to clench his teeth.

“Of course, but you’ll understand that New Rosanthe quickly seized control of King’s Square after the queen failed to inform anyone that the Empire was coming for a meeting. We didn’t have the opportunity to sift through the rubble for your body. We had to do what was best for the safety of our people in that moment.”

Caelan couldn’t completely argue with that, though he could have done without the dig on his mother’s secret plans to meet with an Empire representative.

“It would seem that the Empire took the time to lie to both you and Queen Amara,” Rayne said in a cold voice.

“Yes, it would,” Octavia agreed without actually looking at Rayne. It was as if he were suddenly beneath her notice. Oh, she was in for a rude awakening. In Caelan’s eyes, Rayne was an extension of himself, and she needed to fucking respect his advisor.

But she pushed on before he could set her in her place.

“I am curious as to where you’ve been. We heard these crazy rumors that you were in Caspagir, but everyone knows about our tepid relations. It made more sense for you to be in Ilon.”

“Queen Amara sent His Majesty on a diplomatic mission to Caspagir,” Rayne replied.

Now she did look at him with narrowed eyes and a wicked grin. “That’s interesting because the Caspagir diplomat knows nothing of a request for a conference with Prince Caelan.”

Rayne’s answering reply was accompanied by a sharklike smile. “That would be because the request didn’t come from the diplomat but from Queen Noemi Thrudesh-Vo personally.”

Bright spots appeared on Octavia’s cheeks, and she held on to her smile. “How wonderful. I’m assuming this diplomatic mission was successful, considering the state in which the kingdom has been left with Prince Caelan’s absence.”

Rayne’s smile was positively smug. “Yes, incredibly successful.”

“Enough,” Caelan barked, making both Rayne and Octavia jump. “This is not why I’m here. I need a full accounting of what our resources are in Stormbreak, an update on the rest of Erya, and a meeting with the military leaders we are currently in contact with. I want an outline of what plans are being made to remove New Rosanthe from within our borders.”

From the corner of his eye, he could see Rayne tilt his head up a little more and straighten his shoulders, but it was the smile on Octavia’s lips that sent a chill along Caelan’s spine.

“I’m afraid I can’t do that, Your Majesty,” Octavia stated, putting a heavy emphasis on his title. “You see, your absence has raised certain questions about your loyalty to the people of Erya. None of the ministers, diplomats, or even our military knew about your diplomatic mission and are concerned that you were conveniently out of the country during the attack.”

Caelan was out of his seat in a flash, towering over her. “Are you saying because I wasn’t killed in the attack that I’m viewed as a traitor to the kingdom?”

Octavia appeared completely unruffled by his roaring outburst. She serenely glanced up at him, fluttering her eyelashes slightly. “I would never think such a thing about you, but to remove the potential stain from your name, we will need to confirm your story with Queen Noemi.”

“Rayne,” Caelan snapped, but his advisor already had his phone in his hand.

“I’m assuming that Prince Shey Thrudesh-Vo’s verification would be good enough for you, or do you need to speak directly to the queen on this matter?” Rayne crisply inquired.

Caelan watched him dial Shey’s number with the push of a single button, inwardly grateful that his advisor’s phone had a signal at this moment.

“What?” Octavia croaked, her face suddenly turning pale.

“You’ve still got him on speed dial?” Caelan couldn’t help teasing. Rayne shot him a repressive look but then turned his attention to his call.

“Hel—yes, we’re fine. We’re safe in Stormbreak. I…yes.” Rayne cleared his throat and Caelan would have laughed at the rising color in his cheeks if the situation wasn’t so dire. He was dying to know what Shey was currently whispering in Rayne’s ear. “Your Highness, just a moment of your time. I’m here with King Caelan and Chancellor Octavia Croft. It seems there’s some question as to the reason for His Majesty’s visit to Sirelis.” Rayne quickly pulled the phone from his ear and put it on speaker.