“My private life—past, present, or future—is not up for discussion. Though, yes, I think we would all appreciate a break after this situation has been resolved.”

Caelan might have rolled his eyes so hard he gave himself a headache. Resolve the situation? Rayne made it sound like a server had brought them the wrong order at a restaurant. Nothing like the massive problem of Stormbreak being in enemy hands, the queen murdered, the Godstone stolen, and another dark force creeping across Thia with the intent to seize all the godstones.

Oh yes, no big deal.

The focus for now was on getting his city back and bonding with the Godstone. After accomplishing those two big feats, he could worry about the rest.

This section of Stonehaven was run down and quiet, but the closer they got to the opening in the wall, the busier it was becoming. When the Empire wasn’t present, the opening wasn’t monitored. It was simply a break in the wall large enough to fit a four-lane road as well as pedestrian paths on either side of the road. Steel doors were set into the wall with the intent of closing them to keep enemies at bay, but they’d not been used in centuries. There simply wasn’t much sense to it now. More than half the population of Stormbreak was now outside the walls.

“At least it looks like much of this part of the city is still intact,” Rayne murmured.

“But most of the stores are closed and boarded up from a lack of inventory,” Eno replied as they passed yet another store that had plywood nailed to the front window. The owner had spray-painted “No Food” across it. “No shipments are coming in, probably out of fear of being confiscated by the Empire.”

“And Green Gate is in their hands,” Drayce grumbled.

“Not for long. We’re breaking their hold on our homes,” Caelan swore. Thunder rumbled behind another flash of lightning. The air was growing heavy with moisture and the charge of electricity. Caelan tightened his hold on his anger, balling it in the pit of his stomach. Now was not a good time for a downpour or letting the power of the God of Storms loose.

Their steps slowed as the wide opening in the wall came into view along with at least a dozen Empire soldiers. There were no cars heading into the city proper, but it appeared as if there were a long line of cars attempting to leave. Each one was loaded with luggage and all the goods they could carry from their home.

Rayne called a stop to their progress, pulling them toward the corner of an apartment building with a deeply inset front entrance that allowed them to watch the soldiers while not being in direct view of them.

“They’re searching the cars,” Rayne murmured.

Drayce wiped some sweat from his brow with the back of his hand. “What for?”

Rayne shook his head, his eyes narrowed on the men. “No idea. Food, medicine, weapons.”

“Or Erya soldiers who’ve escaped them so far,” Eno added. “They would need to round up anyone with combat experience to stop any resistance movement from growing.”

Drayce twisted around to stare at Eno. “Do you think they’ve located Tomas or Melita?”

“I don’t think so. It’s been a few days since I’ve heard from Tomas, but I told him I wouldn’t contact him until we were inside the city.”

Which meant inside the wall.

“How do we do this? Brazen it?” Caelan inquired. The Empire didn’t seem to be checking the few people entering the city as closely as those who were leaving. Maybe they wouldn’t pay much attention to four people walking into the city.

“I don’t see how we have any other choice,” Rayne said.

“I counted ten guards, including two in the temporary shack. Light armament.” Eno paused and rubbed the stubble on his jaw. “Though, there’s a chance of a sniper on the other side of the wall that we can’t see.”

“Those aren’t bad odds.” Drayce shrugged. “I say we give it a go.”

“Cael?” Rayne inquired.

His heart sped up as he watched the guard giving the driver of the lead car a hard time. A woman sat next to him. She looked like she was crying, and there were at least two kids in the back seat. A family trying to escape a war zone for safety. At the very least, they could provide a distraction for these poor people to escape.

“We go now,” Caelan growled. “If things get ugly, scatter. I don’t want any innocent bystanders hurt by gunfire. We can find each other later.”

Rayne resumed the lead again with Caelan and Drayce in the center and Eno in the rear. They walked with purpose toward the wall, keeping an eye on the guards while trying not to be too obvious about it.

When they were within a hundred feet of the main walking path, a soldier stepped in front of Rayne, his automatic rifle cradled in both hands, his finger resting lightly on the trigger guard. His gaudy gold-and-black uniform stood out against the gray of the wall and the matching gray of the sky.