He shoved his sword into its scabbard and bowed his head to Kristopher. “I thank you for your dedication to protecting Erya and for protecting me and my companions.”

Kristopher flushed and appeared to be a little starstruck. “I—wow. It’s an honor, Your Majesty. We’re all proud to fight for you. After what happened in the capital, we’ll do anything to destroy New Rosanthe.”

Caelan smiled and quickly made introductions of Drayce and Rayne. The same starstruck look appeared when he learned who they were. Clearly, Caelan’s entourage had made the papers in the past, making his friends famous to some of his people.

“We traveled here with another man, Eno Bevyn. We need to locate him,” Rayne said sharply. “He was tasked with finding us a car.”

“Yeah, I think one of our other members spotted him.” Kristopher pulled a cell phone from his pocket and opened his text messages.

Rayne stepped close in a flash, reading the texts over Kristopher’s shoulder. The teenager seemed genuine and trustworthy, but there was no reason to take stupid chances.

“Yeah, yeah. They found him. They’re bringing him to us,” Kristopher confirmed.

Caelan glanced over to see Rayne nod and step back from Kristopher. “It also looks like they took care of the New Rosanthe patrol boat,” Rayne confirmed. “Very tidy. Soldiers dead and boat sunk. No evidence the Empire was ever here.”

Kristopher’s grin was a shade evil when he replied, “We’ve done that a few times. If the Empire comes into this town, they don’t leave.”

“Thank you, Kristopher, for your service and that of your friends. Once I get to Stormbreak, I will work hard to make sure the Empire is expelled from Erya permanently.”

Kristopher bowed. “We are proud to protect Erya.” He straightened and paused, his eyes falling to the floor. “We were all devastated by the news of Queen Amara’s death. New Rosanthe needs to be destroyed for what they did. She was a great queen. We all loved her. The best holiday every year in Hollowind has always been Guardian Day. We posted pictures of the queen everywhere and celebrated all day in her name.”

Caelan desperately clung to his smile against the uncomfortable twisting in his chest. Guardian Day was a celebration of the sacrifice of the Talos family when it first bonded with the Godstone and swore to protect it and the people of Erya.

Many also called it Royals Day since it was also a celebration of the throne. Caelan had never much cared for it as it put the focus on him and his destiny. But the next one—assuming it even happened this September third—would be shrouded in black as the people yet again mourned their fallen queen. Would the citizens of Erya much feel like celebrating him when their capital fell to New Rosanthe while he was away?

Kristopher straightened and smiled. “Anyway, when the soldiers showed up asking about you, we knew the reports that you were dead were a lie. We’ve been watching for you or any news.”

Caelan nodded, hesitant to say more. Kristopher appeared to be trustworthy and understanding, but he didn’t want to risk giving any information up that would put his life or the lives of his companions in more danger.

“Hey, Kristopher, you got any water to drink?” Drayce asked with a grin.

The young man flinched and darted to a box against a far wall, digging through the supplies. Drayce walked over to help, winking at Caelan as he passed. His friend made easy chitchat with the teenager, putting him at ease while Rayne turned toward Caelan.

“Do you think news of events in Sirelis has reached all of the Empire fleet?” Rayne murmured.

“I would think so. It’s been a week. They must know that I’ve left Caspagir for Erya. Where else would I go but Stormbreak?”

“Ilon,” Rayne immediately replied. It was logical. Ilon was a close ally of Erya. The two countries had traded heavily across their borders for centuries. Many people who lived near the border maintained dual citizenship, thanks to having family and businesses in both countries.

Caelan frowned and shook his head. “It would still mean passing through Erya, and Ilon has always kept emissaries and diplomats in Stormbreak. It would be easier and faster to talk to someone from Ilon there.”

“Assuming they stayed after the city fell.” Rayne had a good point. The surprise attack on Stormbreak could have sent Ilon’s people running home for safety.

Drayce and Kristopher returned a second later with bottles of water. Caelan was grateful to see that the protective seals hadn’t been broken. He wished he didn’t have to be so damn paranoid. It left him feeling dirty. He should be able to trust his people, but he still had questions about what had happened in Stormbreak during the attack, and he didn’t like the answers that came to mind.

They had to wait only a short time longer for Eno to arrive with three other people wearing green masks. His dark eyes immediately swept over them, checking that they were okay before his expression turned into something that resembled mild amusement.