Even as their orgasms built, Eno never sped up. He stoked the fire, building it until it finally consumed them both. Rayne went over first, crying out into Eno’s mouth as his hot spend splashed on their stomachs. Eno tipped over the edge as the muscles clamped down, pulling him deeper into Rayne and demanding to never let go. Lightning coursed through every nerve ending as he emptied himself into Rayne. This was heaven.

He wasn’t sure if he passed out, but Eno blinked to find his head resting on Rayne’s shoulder and his lover chuckling.

“I would give a year’s salary for one night with you in a normal bed. One big enough to stretch out in,” Rayne murmured.

Eno turned his head and nuzzled Rayne’s neck, pressing kisses under his jaw. “Even if we had the biggest bed in all of Thia, I would still be right here wrapped around you.”

Rayne hummed happily, his arms tightening on Eno’s shoulders. “That is very true.”

They stayed wrapped in each other until Eno finally softened and slipped from Rayne’s body. He thought he heard a sad sigh from Rayne, but Eno chased it away with several kisses.

“I guess we should shower and dress again.” There was zero enthusiasm in Rayne’s voice. If life had been normal and they were in the Stormbreak towers, they might have been able to spend a leisurely evening together in bed—assuming the chaos twins could stay out of trouble for one night. But they were on a ship speeding toward their home under enemy occupation.

“Clean up, but don’t shower,” Eno ordered.

“What?” Rayne gasped.

Eno smiled. “You can give me one evening with the knowledge that you can still feel me against your skin and deep inside you.”

“Evil man,” Rayne murmured with an answering smile as he pulled Eno close for another kiss.

Reluctantly, they parted and took turns cleaning up and getting dressed again in Rayne’s small bathroom. Eno had to smile at their slow movements; it was as if they were both trying to stretch out their time together for as long as possible.

“Have you heard anything from Tomas or Melita?” Rayne inquired as he buttoned his shirt. His glasses were on his face and his hair was perfectly styled. The proper prince’s advisor had almost completely reappeared.

“Nothing recently. I only know that they made it safely out of the city before New Rosanthe attacked, but I don’t know if they’ve reached Stormbreak yet.”

Tomas Soto was the head of the palace guards while Melita Rey was a member of the elite Royal Guard. They’d lucked into finding them in Sirelis when the two had been sent in hopes of finding help from their neighbor.

Rayne nodded. “Keep trying, please. We need to set up a meeting place and know what avenues are safest for entry. I would imagine the Green Gate entry closest to the Armory is firmly in Empire control. There’s a second entrance through Green Gate…” Rayne broke off, getting lost in his own thoughts.

“Our best option is going through the warrens of Stonehaven,” Eno said firmly. He’d been thinking it over since Caelan had announced they were returning home. “That area has the smallest chance of being lost to the Empire and offers our best options for moving in secret.”

Rayne grunted, his eyes already straying to his desk and the pile of work waiting for him. Eno couldn’t begrudge him the distraction. Returning to Stormbreak was incredibly dangerous. They were outgunned and walking in without any information. Anything Rayne could gather and plan could make a huge difference in whether they survived the next few weeks.

“I need to try to get in contact with Chancellor Octavia Croft or any of the surviving ministers. As the queen’s advisor, Chancellor Croft is most likely to have information on the workings of the city,” Rayne muttered, sounding as if he were talking to himself. “There must be something of the government left that’s coordinating efforts and dealing with New Rosanthe. We need to know what steps have been taken.”

“Can Croft be trusted?” Eno inquired.

A little frown tugged at the corner of Rayne’s mouth. “Croft is ambitious, but loyal to Erya. She’s not the type to form an alliance with the Empire.”

Eno caught Rayne’s hand and pulled him into his arms for one last slow kiss. Rayne gave himself over, but when the kiss ended, Rayne was looking at him with an apology in his eyes. Eno simply chuckled.

“You and Caelan make the brilliant plans. Drayce and I will cut a path for you.”

Rayne surprised him by wrapping his arms around his neck and hugging him tightly. “Thank you,” he whispered in his ear.

“Anything for you.” And he meant it. He would do anything he possibly could to keep Rayne safe.

Releasing him, Eno stepped back. “I’m going to go check on them and the captain. If Caelan can help Drayce, we might be able to stay at sea an extra day or two, but I wouldn’t want to push it longer than that.”