It made Kristopher and his companions stand out all the more in their black gear and green masks pulled down like bandanas around their necks. They looked to him like bank robbers or ruffians, but no one skirted them or had a mean word to say about them. Everyone greeted them cheerfully with a smile or a joke. The people of Hollowind valued the service Kristopher and the others were providing, and Drayce couldn’t wait to tell Caelan the good news.

The look in his old friend’s eyes had been clear—he wasn’t sure if they could trust Kristopher, Ophelia, and the others despite their help. Now was a time for caution even when someone came forward offering a helping hand. So, while Caelan and Rayne were likely interrogating Ophelia, he and Eno had been handed the rest of the pack for some careful questioning.

And it was just Drayce’s luck that Kristopher liked to talk.

The first stop was the service station, where a car was in the middle of being procured for them. Eno and two of the teenagers had been left to talk to the proprietor while Drayce and Kristopher returned into the shopping district for some supplies. They’d gotten the basics in terms of ammunition and medical supplies in Sirelis, but they could use some nonperishable foods and possibly some different clothes since it was likely they’d be sneaking into Stormbreak.

Drayce paused in a clothing store that seemed as though it had some basic everyday wear. The only problem was that the colors were quite loud, which worked in Hollowind but would make them stand out in Stormbreak. Not great for sneaking. They’d have to search for something closer to the capital or possibly even borrow something.

Caelan’s all-black attire with highlights of Erya green made it too easy to recognize him. Rayne wasn’t much better with his ever-present suits and ties. The man always appeared as if he were going for a court date or a meeting with the queen, which…well…yeah, totally applied to him. He and Eno had always dressed more casual and were typically better at blending in.

With a sigh, Drayce turned away from a bright-red shirt and waved for Kristopher to accompany him out of the store toward the market they’d passed a block earlier.

“Hey, Drayce,” Kristopher started. “Can I ask you something?”

He’d been waiting for this. “What’s up?”

“Are you a bodyguard like Lord Bevyn?”

Drayce almost choked on a laugh. Lord Bevyn. It was hard to think of Eno as Lord Bevyn, even if he’d been there for the official titling ceremony. Caelan had tried to do the same to him, and Drayce fought it. He didn’t want to be Lord Drayce Ladon. It was coming. There was no doubt in his mind that a title was waiting in his future since he planned to stay glued to Caelan’s side until he died. But there was no rushing these things.

“Not officially. Caelan and I are just best friends. We met during high school and have always hung out.” Drayce shrugged. “After a few years, I began training in various fighting styles so I could protect him if a problem came up. But it’s not why we travel together. He’s got Eno and Rayne for protection.”

“That’s so cool,” Kristopher moaned. He shoved his hands into his blondish brown hair and spun in place before racing to catch up with Drayce again. “I’m freaking hanging out with the prince’s best friend.”

“And you’re gonna be my pack mule.” Drayce grinned as they stepped into the market. There was little point in picking up fresh fruits or vegetables since they were going to be constantly on the move for the next few days. He smiled, though, because he could hear Rayne bitching in his head that he and Cael weren’t eating enough greens.

“Of course! I’ll carry anything you need me to. I’m a lot stronger than people think I am.”

“Is that why you joined this militia group?” Drayce inquired. He grabbed a basket and shoved it into Kristopher’s hands, then got one for himself.

“Nah. It’s because of the Empire soldiers and my mom.”

Drayce stopped at the head of one aisle and frowned at Kristopher. “What do you mean? Did they hurt your mom?”

“Not directly. My dad passed away when I was about eight when a bad storm sank the fishing boat he was working on. It’s just been me, my mom, and my little sister. When the New Rosanthe soldiers came to town and killed off most of the police force, my mom was terrified they’d kill me next because I was almost old enough to join the police force. She hid in the house with my sister, terrified to even peer out her window. It was worse when I had to leave to get food or anything.” Kristopher’s hands tightened around the handle of the basket, making the plastic creak. “I don’t want her to ever be scared like that again. When I heard rumors that a group of people were banding together to fight the soldiers, I joined up without telling her. I want to keep my mom and all my neighbors safe.”