I bust out laughing. “No, they don’t!”

“Hell yeah, they do. I saw a video online. Gorillas are a bunch of big ol’ exhibitionist zoo pervs.” I’m busting a gut now. “Seriously! Look it up!” Kent insists as he starts to laugh, too. “Those motherfuckers are sick!”

“Apparently!” I catch my breath from laughing, then face him. Something strikes me. “I think this might be the first time I laughed or smiled today.”

Kent’s face turns serious. “You should be laughing and smiling all day. You’re on vacation.”

I stop and gaze out at the water, tears of laughter still in my eyes. My whole morning was thrown off when I was woken up at nearly six in the morning by Rico, who finally came in from his long night of fun. He had a zillion stories to tell me, most of which were sexual, and most of which sounded like embellished half-truths. Then he wanted to know about my massage experience, which I could barely talk about since I had only gotten a few hours of sleep. And when I finally was able to doze off again, I woke up at nearly noon to find Rico gone without even a note on the table. I had to call him to find out he’d made plans with Adrian during the day, since he had a shift that evening, and I was left alone to fend for myself. I ate breakfast alone. I ate lunch alone. And I sat on the crowded beach and wondered if it would be too much to bug Kent at the Blue Coral Bakery while he was trying to work. Ultimately, I decided not to.

“I don’t know,” I finally confess. “Been a weird day.”

“Yeah? Wanna talk about it?”

I shake my head. “Nah. Waste of breath. I’ve got the feeling my night’s gonna be a lot better.”

Kent nods. “If that dart game was any indication, you are about to have one awesome night out.”

“I should’ve hung out with you longer last night.” The words just fly out of my mouth. I bite my lip and glance his way. “Just a random thought I … thought I’d share.”

It’s crazy, what one tiny day will do to my feelings. It was just yesterday that the idea of a perfect time was me, cuddled up with a book, listening to the waves. But since meeting Kent, I can’t think of wasting another minute here without spending time with him. It’s almost annoying, that my usual enjoyable solitude feels so empty and lonely now, like it’s lacking something when I’m not with Kent.

A tiny smile finds his face. “Would’ve been nice.”

I got lost in my head so long, I’ve forgotten what he’s responding to. “What would’ve been nice?”

“Spending more time with you last night.”

Phew, those words do something to my heart. I think my heart might be trying to smile, too. “You still owe me a song on the guitar, y’know.”

“Yeah? Do I?”

“Yep. A couple of songs, I believe you said, actually.” I quickly clear my throat. “Not that I’m, uh … suggesting we go back to your place right now. I’m sure there’s plenty for us to do before you play me anything. Besides, I just won a whole night with you by throwing a dart.”

He eyes me. “You’re really gonna hold me to that deal I didn’t even make, huh?”

“Yes, sir, I am.” I face him. “So where to? You’re the expert. You know all the spots. As long as it isn’t El Amado or some other place where I might run into Rico and your brother, I’m happy to see it.”

“Hmm. Well, my brother is likely still working for a few more hours, and this island is only so big.”

“I know you’ve got the perfect place to show me. Hell, I would even be happy to catch a movie with you. I saw a movie theater near the Elysian.”

“You sure you’re old enough to see the adult movies there?” he teases.

I snort. “I’m twenty-one, thank you very much.”

“Really? You seem older than that. I’m twenty-five.”

“It’s because I read books. It instantly ages you exactly four and a half years.”

“Hmm.” He shakes his head. “Nah, no movie. I’d be tempted to talk through the whole thing. I want to be able to actually talk with you, get to know you and all that. I’ll think of something better.” Kent gazes up at the stars, again like he’s searching for an answer there, his forehead wrinkling up cutely. Then he snaps his fingers. “I’ve got it! The perfect place to show you. Other side of the island, with untouched sand, water all around, and a view of—”

“But we’ve already been to Sugarberry Beach.”

“Not Sugarberry. This place is on the other-other side of the island, northeast, tucked away like a dark secret no one knows about. No annoying tourists go there, and even most of the locals keep away, too.”