“Long story,” I answer. “Doesn’t need to be told.”

“Eh, never mind, I’ll probably hear about it from Coop later.” She peers around me, noticing Skip. “Hey, baby, I didn’t see you there. Want some messed-up-looking eggs? I’m making breakfast.”

Skip shrugs. “Uh, sure … yeah.” Then he eyes me and mouths the words, “Breakfast?? Is she okay??”

I shrug back and make a small alcohol-guzzling gesture with a hand. Skip nods, understanding, then gets up from the table after pocketing his phone. “I can help, Mom.”

“Hmm, okay. Make some toast. I know I still have half a loaf in the … the thingy right there.”

I notice movement over my shoulder and look. Jonah has emerged from the hallway, messy-haired, sleepy, and adorable in some of my clothing I told him last night he could borrow: a lime green tank top with “Party Monster” written in bright yellow across the chest, and a white pair of board shorts. I leave my mom and little brother talking in the kitchen to meet Jonah by the hallway.

He quickly crosses his arms and smiles. “Morning.”

“Morning.” I keep my voice down, not wanting to pull my mom’s attention to him just yet. “How’d you sleep?”

“Pretty well, actually. Woke up to an interesting and … nearly indecipherable text from Rico. Sounds like he had quite the night last night.” Jonah’s eyes turn sheepish. “So did we.”

I smile. “Indeed, we did.”

I realize it’s gone quiet behind me. I glance over my shoulder to find both my brother and mom staring at us from around the corner of the kitchen wall. Something loud sizzles from the stovetop, and my mom shouts, “Piss, shit, fuck,” and hurries back to her breakfast, out of sight.

I face Jonah. “Forgot to mention. No obligation, but you’re being invited for breakfast. I … can’t exactly speak for its quality, but it won’t be what you get at the fancy resort, that much I can guarantee.”

“Oh, thanks! That sounds great. I’m starving.” Jonah peers around me. “Hey there, Skipper.”

Skip gives him a friendly nod, then returns to helping out Mom.

Jonah eyes me, then lowers his voice. “You mean I’m about to meet your mom already? This soon? Wearing your clothes? With my hair doing this …?” He points at it for emphasis, aghast.

I lean into him. “Trust me, you’re a vast improvement from the boy toys Adrian used to bring around.”

Jonah frowns. “I’m not sure how to take that.”

“Lightly,” I suggest.

“Hey, boys,” sings my mom as her wiry shape saunters tiredly out of the kitchen. “Don’t worry, your lil’ brother’s taken over. That means breakfast will actually be edible.”

“Mom, this is Jonah,” I introduce him.

“Hello.” She smiles warmly and goes straight in for a full-body hug, startling a now-wide-eyed Jonah. “You are a cute little thing, huh?” She pulls back and gets a look at him. “Oh, yeah, I see it. You got the dark, brooding demon in your eyes despite the bright and cheery clothing, just like Kent.” She shoots me a look. “Now I get why you’re into him. Not bad, not bad.”

I contain my urge to pull her away from him or say something about her being weird, but Jonah jumps right in. “Oh, there’s more than just a demon in me. You should see my book collection! I probably need an exorcist with all of the fucked-up shit I read. Oh.” He covers his mouth. “Sorry for my language.”

My mom’s face wrinkles up. “What fucking language?”

From the kitchen comes Skipper’s voice: “Yeah, what fucking language?”

Jonah looks at me, then my mom, in total bewilderment. “Uh, well … clearly I’ve just met my new favorite family.”

“Take a seat at the table, babe,” she tells him. “Your cute butt’s welcome here anytime. Damn, Skip, is anything ready yet?” she calls out as she heads back to the kitchen. “You gotta learn to compensate for my shortcomings as a mother faster than this! We’re starving our guest!”

I share a look with Jonah. “Y’know, it isn’t too late to make a run for it.”

Jonah only smiles back. “Your family is awesome, and I think I’m feeling brave today.”

I guess I’m feeling pretty brave, too.

A moment later, we’re all crowded around the table eating an assortment of fruit, scrambled eggs, and toast. Skipper is going on about an old trinket Reef found washed up on the beach last night, convinced it’s worth something. My mom looks like she’s trying to keep her eyes open, barely having touched her plate, while Jonah is politely listening and eating, then offering his opinion now and then. I keep glancing at the door, certain by now Adrian won’t show up despite telling Mom he would. Typical.

“What’re you guys doing today, anyway?” asks Skip.

I didn’t realize he was done talking about the thing Reef found. Jonah’s quick to answer. “Honestly, I’m up for just about anything. I was thinking I’d hit up the beach.” He looks my way. “But that depends on what you’re up for doing, I guess.”