“Prove what?”

He lifted his lids again. She was so close now, he could see the flecks in her brown eyes.

“That it’s okay if you’re jealous?” she murmured.

“Does it involve my mouth?”

“What makes you ask that?”

“The way you’re staring at my lips right now.” He reached up and brushed her damp hair back. “So do you want to do something about this? Or ignore it. It’s your choice.”

“If I understand what you’re talking about, it’s a two-sided thing. You also get to choose.”

His eyes locked on her mouth. “Oh, I’ve already made my decision.”

There was a pause. Then Rio moved up a little higher on his chest. As she lowered her head to kiss him, she closed her eyes, and he liked that. It was as if she wanted to concentrate everything she had on the contact.

Lucan did the same, his lids shutting.

He expected her to be bold. She wasn’t—but she wasn’t timid, either. Her mouth brushed over his, and he relished the sensation, the velvet, the warmth. Except he was a greedy asshole. They might be only kissing, but in his mind, they were naked and he was mounting her, finding his way in between her thighs until—

The sound was far off, a banging noise. A door slamming? Then there were footfalls coming fast.

Rio’s head lifted, and they both looked across the cluttered storage room.

“There’s a gun under the bed,” he told her. “Stay here by the incense. Do not leave this mattress.”

Lucan moved quickly, rolling her free of him and then covering her up. He took two steps forward and doubled back.

Kissing her quick, he vowed, “We’re going to pick up where we left off. Sometime before I take you back.”

She started to say something, but he took off before she could speak, pausing only by a stack of folded clothes to pull on a fresh sweatshirt. At the door into the corridor, he listened before opening things up, braced to attack. Then he swung the heavy panel open.

Out in the hall . . . there was a rhythmic pounding, and the shit was getting louder.

Stepping out, he closed the storage room’s door behind him—

Mayhem rounded the corner at a run. “You’ve got problems,” the prisoner said as he came to a halt.

You have no idea, Lucan thought.

“The Executioner’s been looking for you since dawn. It took me this long to break away without being trailed.”

“Why? I checked in. I returned my weapon.”

“I don’t know what the problem is, but you better show your face before the guards make a serious effort to find you.”

“All right. Let’s go.”

The two of them jogged away, heading for the corner Mayhem had bolted around.

When they’d taken the left, Lucan grabbed the other male’s arm. “You better go your separate way now.”

“Fuck that. There might be a reward. Besides, if I turn you in, I don’t look like I’m with you. It’s self-preservation—and a good decoy for you in case things get complicated with your little secret.”

“Excellent point.”

They continued on, making fast work of the ins and outs of the basement. It had taken Lucan about three weeks on-site before he knew the way around the multi-layered underground. So many wide lanes and smaller offshoots, with all kinds of rooms and larger spaces. The architect who’d designed the building had clearly known that there were things that had to be hidden, truths that compassionate healers did not want their vulnerable patients to know.

Like the fact that three morgues had been required to handle the number of dead who’d apparently needed processing.

Down at the very far end of the basement, he and Mayhem got to a fire door that was brand-new, and punching through, they went up two flights of stairs. Without saying a word, they both passed in front of another fire barrier.

There were three subterranean levels, and this middle one was where the prisoners bunked. Above that? Party time.

On Lucan’s nod, they ascended another two flights, and stopped again.

“You ready?” Lucan said.

“Born ready, wolven.”

On the far side of another fresh-as-a-daisy fire door, Lucan smelled the cocaine in the air, dry and tingling, like it was radioactive fallout in the nose and down the back of the throat.

This was the business level, where the processing happened behind doors that were locked with copper and guarded with guns. At the moment, however, there was nothing getting cut, weighed, and parceled out into packets in the workrooms, the prisoners still in their sleep cubicles, all checked in. After nightfall, they’d be woken up, fed, and forced to come up here to work the job they were being kept alive to do.

Sadly, this building really was perfect for what they needed. The Command, now dead, had had it all planned out, but had been killed just as the move from the old location was happening.

Which was how the Executioner had declared himself ruler of the prison camp.