Fates, he could still taste the blood of that guard, yet found it bizarre that he could remember nothing of the male’s features. Not his eye color or hair color. Not whether he was handsome or ugly.

Sitting back on his heels, he dried his face with the bottom of the tunic.

Meanwhile, Nyx simply stared at him, and he knew without asking what the silence meant. She would go nowhere with him, do nothing to ensure her safety, until he explained himself.

The Jackal cleared his throat. “I was accused of bedding an innocent. Taking her without a commitment, and worse, without her consent. In truth, I had no carnal knowledge of her. The closest I ever came was sitting at a dining table three seats down from her. Upon my honor, I was never even alone with the female. I was sacrificed to save her and her mahmen’s reputation when a mating ploy failed.”

Nyx’s eyes narrowed. “You didn’t have sex with her and yet you ended up here. For a century. On a false accusation.”

“There was no objective court for me to go to, no impartial body weighing the truth and the falsehoods. I was called unto the Council, and evidence was presented against me by a male who lied to protect himself, a mahmen who needed to have her daughter be a victim rather than an unmated consort, and a young female who was in over her head with no virtue to give a future hellren. I didn’t have a chance.”

“But that’s not fair.” Nyx sat up, propping herself on her elbow. “Surely truth is the ultimate defense.

“Don’t be naive. How did you think this place got so full?” He rolled his eyes. “This prison was established and run by the Council to serve the needs of the glymera. I was an easy sacrifice, given the others who were involved. And of course I went unto the Council intending to prove my innocence, but I never had the chance to speak. I was sentenced on the spot and dragged off by guards, my civil liberties dashed, my life, my pursuits, my future, gone. I died that night in all the ways that mattered.” With a harsh laugh, he rose to stand. “Little did I know there were even worse moments ahead, nightmares that, at the time, and as horrified and shocked as I was, I couldn’t have even begun to guess at.”

She fell quiet for a moment. “But you could leave.”


“I don’t understand—” Nyx stopped. Then cursed under her breath. “Of course. That cell that was furnished properly. That’s where your female is. She’s the reason you don’t leave. She’s what keeps you here.”

The Jackal crossed his arms over his chest. “It is not a simple situation.”

“Enlighten me.”

“I can’t. But I swear, it does not affect . . .” He motioned between them. “It has nothing to do with us.”

“Us?” She sat up properly, dangling her arms off her knees. “Like we’re dating? Like this is the monogamous/nonmonogamous conversation of two people about to decide whether to be exclusive or not? Don’t be ridiculous.”

“But it doesn’t affect us.” He had no idea what else to say. “It’s not about . . . you and me.”

“There is no you and me.” She smoothed the errant strands that had come out of her banded hair. “I’m leaving here as soon as I can, and I’m never coming back. You’ll never see me again. Instead, you’ll sit down here, under the ground, and rot until you die and your name is inscribed on that wall. But the difference between you and the others who are listed there, like my sister? You are choosing that kind of death— just like you’re choosing this kind of life.”

“You don’t understand.”

“You’re right. I don’t. The good news is that I don’t have to. You’re either a fucking coward and avoiding what’s up above, or you’re feeding me a line of bullshit and dumb enough to think I’ll believe you because we had sex. Either way, it’s not any of my business—and more to the point, I’m bored by your games.”

The Jackal eyed the passageway he could use to take his leave of her. And he willed himself to initiate the steps that would carry him off. His feet did not move, however.

Instead, he looked back at the female.

“You have your conclusions about me,” he said in a harsh voice. “And I must confess, I am confounded that they are so low. Then again, I should be used to this considering the actions of others that ended me thus—”

“Ended you thus? What the fuck. You can leave! And spare me the justifications—”

“I will not spare you a defense of your accusation,” he snapped. “I was denied that right once, and believe me when I say that will never happen again. You have accused, and you will now listen to my side.”