I jump out and get Avery to laugh another three times before she gets tired of the game and starts fussing. Winter picks her up off the chair and asks, “Is it time for a diaper change?”

“Not unless she pooped,” I say. “Just changed her half an hour ago.”

She gives me an approving look. “You’re pretty good at this daddy thing, you know that?”

I arch my brows and grin. “High praise coming from you, thanks.”

Winter groans. “I know, I know. I used to be your biggest critic.”

“It’s okay. We’ve come a long way since that day at the attorney’s office.”

She meets my gaze and smiles. “Yeah, about that…”

Is she about to say something about us? My heart pounds in hopeful anticipation as she shifts Avery from one hip to the other.

“She might want to hang out on her play mat,” I offer.

Winter sets Avery down on the mat and I hand Avery her favorite giraffe toy. She immediately brings it to her mouth and starts trying to eat it. That’ll keep her busy for at least five minutes.

“You were saying?” I ask Winter, both of us standing back up.

She smiles again, looking away to take a deep breath before locking eyes with me.

“Remember that thing you brought up a few days ago that was a topic of conversation without being an official question?”

“I do remember, because I haven’t been able to think about anything else since.”

“Really?” she asks, her tone a little dreamy.

Is that a good sign?

“Really. I love you, Winter. I want to be with you and only you.”

After a beat of silence, she says, “I want that, too.”

The world stops spinning. I stop breathing. Nothing exists but Winter and the words she just admitted. I didn’t want to hope too hard for fear of being disappointed.

“You want to be with me?” I repeat her words just to make sure I heard her correctly.

She nods. “It’s kind of crazy and the last thing I ever expected.” Shaking her head, she looks a little dazed, like she can’t believe it either, but then an expression of certainty comes over her face as she looks at me. “I’ve never felt this way before Harry. I love the way you are with Avery, and the way you make me feel and the way you take care of people you don’t even know and…so many other things, which I now realize means I love you.”

Tears well in my eyes and my throat tightens. I close my eyes and clear my throat, trying to gather myself, but Winter launches herself into my arms and holds me tightly.

She loves me. It’s everything I wanted but didn’t dare dream I could have. I have an appointment with a Tiffany salesperson in a few days to shop for engagement rings, and I curse myself for not doing it sooner. If I had a ring, I’d get down on one knee right here and now.

“How would you feel about a trip to the jewelry store?” I ask Winter.

She gives me a look of surprise mixed with joy. “Harry, I don’t need to pick out a fancy ring. I don’t need a ring at all.”

If Winter is going to be my wife, she’s sure as shit wearing a ring. I want every man who looks at her to know she’s spoken for. Even though I planned to pick out a spectacular ring and plan a romantic sunset proposal, there’s magic in this moment, and I’d be a fool to ignore it.

I get down on one knee and take one of her hands in both of mine. Tears spill from Winter’s eyes onto her cheeks.

“Winter, you are the most spectacular woman I’ve ever known. I want to make a life with you and our children where we can chase our dreams and be there for each other always. Everything I have and everything I am will…” Emotion gets the best of me, and I have to stop to clear my throat. “…will be yours forever if you say yes to one question. Will you marry me?”

She gets down on her knees in front of me, and leans close, still crying. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

I wrap my arms around her, unable to contain my emotions. It’s the happiest moment of my life.

“Ah!” Avery cries from her play mat.

Winter and I look over at her.

“Yeah? Was that you saying yeah, peanut?” I ask her. “You want us to get married and start working on some brothers and sisters for you?”

“Ah!” she says again.

I look at Winter and shrug. “The boss has spoken. She says we need to get married right away.”

Winter laughs and kisses me. “I’m ready whenever you are.”

“Really?” I cup her face in my hands. “Because I’m ready now.”

She shakes her head, still looking amused, while also completely stunned. “Can you believe this?”