“I know. You’ve got a lot on your plate.”

“How’s married life, Mrs. Bateman?”

“Amazing.” I can hear the smile in her tone. “But I’m pretty tired these days. Pregnancy is kicking my ass.”

“Are you still puking constantly?”

“No, that passed pretty quickly, thank God. But I have mad cravings for Vegemite and fruit-flavored Pop-Tarts. I’m not saying I’d kill someone for a frosted cherry Pop-Tart, but…I’d definitely maim.”

“Eww. Vegemite and Pop-Tarts? Not together, I hope?”

“No.” She laughs and says something to Chance.

“What are you two laughing about?” I ask her.

“Chance made a dumb joke about where I acquired my taste for Vegemite.”

“So he’s there?”

“Yeah. I was on my feet all day at the shelter, so we’re just hanging out at home tonight.”

“Nice. Me too, except now I live with horrible Harry Stone.”

“Avery’s father? When did this happen?”

I fill my sister in on how I ended up living with Harry. She listens, sighing softly when I finish.

“Wow,” she says. “So he must not be as bad as you thought, if you’re living there.”

I scoff. “He’s an arrogant asshole.”

“Aren’t you miserable living with him, then?”

I let out a long exhale and say, “I’m okay, honestly.”

There’s a pause before she says, “Okay, I just Googled Harry Stone, and I feel like if you’re living with him, you’re probably more than okay.”

I groan and roll my eyes. “Don’t even start about how hot he is.”

“Okay, but…he is.”

“He’s a complete shitbag.”

Another moment of silence before my sister says, “A shitbag who uses his company to fund prosthetic development and rehab programs for veterans? Not to mention he’s a big advocate of employing veterans as well.”

“So he’s nice to veterans,” I say, exasperated. “He treats women like playthings.”

“Well, you guys aren’t a thing, are you?”

“Ugh, no. Hell no.”

“Are you seeing anyone?”

I laugh. “Uh…no. I don’t have time for that.”

“Harry helps with Avery, though, right?”

“Yeah, but…I’m just not interested in dating right now. Plus, how would I explain that I’m living with a guy and we’re raising a baby together, but we’re not together?”

“I guess it is pretty unconventional.”

I look out over the Chicago skyline, the city lights just starting to shine. The view here really is phenomenal.

“I do miss having someone,” I admit to my sister. “Sometimes. I don’t miss the bullshit, but I really miss…hugs and, you know, cuddling. And having a shoulder to cry on.”

“Oh, Winter. I’ll fly out there and hug you anytime. You can definitely cry on my shoulder, too.”

I hear Chance protesting in the background, his Australian accent loud and clear.

“You’re being ridiculous,” Aubrey says to him, sounding more amused than annoyed.

“What?” I ask.

“He says I can’t fly during my third trimester, but my doctor says it’s fine. Chance has this whole scenario in his head where I go into labor on the flight and there’s no one who’s able to deliver the baby.”

“You can assure him that I’d never ask you to fly out here while you’re pregnant just so I can have a hug.”

“Well, you do have that baby to snuggle all the time so that must be nice.”

“Oh, it is. I love her more than I’ve ever loved anyone or anything.”

Aubrey sighs happily. “I can’t wait for that. I already feel that way, but I can’t wait to see my little boy’s face for the first time.”

“I loved the photo you put on IG of Pixy in that I’m a Big Brother shirt,” I say, smiling.

“Thanks. Our baby will definitely be an animal lover.”

I hear Chance shout through the phone. “And a soccer player!”

“I’m so happy for you guys,” I tell Aubrey. “I hope someday I have what you do.”

“You will.”

“I can’t imagine ever feeling whole without Avery.”

“Just give it time. Things will work out.”

Avery cries from the other room, and I hold my breath, waiting to see if she’ll go back to sleep. She doesn’t.

“Oh, I can hear her crying! I want to reach through the phone and pick her up,” Aubrey says. “I’ve got major baby fever, if you can’t already tell.”

I laugh as I get up. “Enjoy your Saturday night with your husband while you can,” I tell her. “I have to go check on her.”

“Okay. Call me anytime, okay?”

“You too. Tell Chance I said hi, or…g’day, mate.” My Australian accent is weak.

“Love you, Winter.”

“Love you, too.”

I go check on Avery and end up bringing her into the living room with me. She’s contentedly sucking her Binky and drifting off to sleep again when Harry walks through the door.

“Hey,” I whisper, puzzled.


I raise my voice just enough for him to hear me without waking up Avery. “I figured you’d be out all night.”

He shrugs. “I missed you guys.”

My heart skips a beat and my lady bits hum to life at his admission. But why? Hot or not, I hate him. Well, mostly.

“You missed Avery,” I say, grinning. “Surely you didn’t miss sparring with me.”