She laughed and I drank the sound in. “I thought we did that the night before you went to New York?”

“Well I had some time away to miss you all over again.”

“Aha. I see.” She giggled and dropped a hand to my thigh. It was a soft touch but sent heat over me as if she’d reached down the front of my slacks. “Well, let’s see, I’m all yours after two o’clock. You think your big meeting with Aaron will be done by then?”

“Oh, I’ll make sure of it.”

She laughed. “Good. I might have even picked up a little something special to wear.”

I groaned. “Fuck, Holly. How am I supposed to focus on a pitch meeting when I’ve got that vision of you in my mind?”

“So, I shouldn’t send pictures?” she teased.

I grinned at her. “You’ll be in big trouble if you don’t send pictures.”

“What if I said I like trouble?”

“How late do you wanna be for work?” I asked, hitting the signal to pull over on the side of the highway. Holly laughed and after a pit stop to make out, we were back on the road.

An hour later, we cruised into Holiday Cove and after dropping Holly off at her office, I headed up the hill to Aaron’s place. I parked in the front of the building and released the dogs from the backseat. All three of us went inside and the dogs tore off toward the doors to the offices. I let them through and then headed back to the shop after buzzing by Aaron’s office and finding it empty.

“There he is,” Aaron said, grinning from ear-to-ear as he sauntered across the large space, grease rag in hand. “The Prodigal Son has finally returned.”

I laughed and waved at Nick and the other part-time mechanics that Aaron employed. “I’m back and staying put this time.”

“You swear?”

“What is this, junior high? You want a damn pinky promise?” I reached out my hand, pinky extended.

Aaron grinned and swatted it away. He pulled me in for a quick embrace. “Good to have you back, Boomer.”

“Glad to be back.”

We separated and Aaron started through the doors to go to his office. The dogs trotted after us—likely hoping he still kept a jar of treats in his desk drawer. Aaron shut the door and I dropped down onto the couch. “So, I have some interesting news.”

“What?” I asked, arching a brow at his suddenly serious expression.

Aaron lowered to the chair behind his desk and folded his hands. “I’m not sure if Holly put in a word for us or what, but I got a call from Noah Scoville. He wants to invest.”

My eyes widened. “Seriously? Holly mentioned it but I didn’t tell her to pitch him on our behalf. I wonder if that’s why she stopped by there today? Said she wanted to go in for a few hours to make sure things were caught up.”

Aaron shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m not sure how it all played out. But he wants to put in twice what we were asking and you know the shit we thought would be phase two? Well, it’s all a big phase one now. He’s taking this thing to the next level.”

“Wow.” I leaned back. “And you’re okay with this? I know you’ve had your…opinions on the guy.”

“We had lunch yesterday, talked it through. He doesn’t want my business and this deal he’s making is really more between you and him—if you’re interested. I’d be more of a silent partner, which is really all I have time for at this point anyway. It’s basically a win-win-win and I think it’ll make Holly happy to know you and her boss are getting along.”

I smiled. I’d called Aaron and told him Holly and I were back on as soon as I’d arrived at the airport that morning. His reply, in perfect Aaron fashion, had been, “It’s about fucking time, dumbass.”

“He coming in today?”

“Yeah. I wanted to talk to you about it first, and I know he’ll give you the details himself, but honestly, Boom, I think we should jump on this. The terms are fair and he has more fucking money than he knows what to do with. At least that’s the impression I get. As long as it won’t make things weird between you and Holly.”

I shook my head. “Last thing on my mind. Holly and I are solid. Nothing’s going to come between us ever again.”

Aaron grinned. “Glad to hear it, man. I can’t be the only one keeping your ass in line these days.”

We laughed and then Aaron poured us a few pre-celebration shots of Whiskey.

“To McGuire Charters!” Aaron said, holding his shot glass to mine.

I smiled, my heart damn near bursting. “To McGuire Charters.”

I got home at five o’clock on the dot and while Holly hadn’t yet changed into the sexy lingerie she’d been teasing me with all day, she still looked sexy as hell in her apron and jean cut-offs while she danced around the kitchen as she whipped up whatever she was cooking for dinner. From the aroma hanging in the air, I could tell it was going to be amazing. She had some music playing and hadn’t heard me slip into the house. I dropped my keys on the kitchen island and watched her hips sway and shimmy as she stirred the contents of a large silver pot. Damn, she’s sexy. I can’t believe she’s all mine.