“Hey, I didn’t mean to rile you up girl and I’m not taking sides here. I barely know the guy, but I saw you fall in love with him. And I saw him fall in love with you. You can’t deny that. Don’t you think maybe he’s feeling pretty messed up as well? What if he wants to—”

“No! He’s happy. He told me so himself the other day, right before all this shit happened. He says he’s happy and wouldn’t change a thing about his life.”

Rachel frowned. “Then what’s he doing camped outside your room for the past three days, begging anyone who walks by to ask you if he can see you? That doesn’t seem like the actions of a happy man. You know he canceled his flight back to New York?”

I shook my head. “I didn’t, but I don’t think that matters. Who knows, maybe he just feels guilty because we were arguing right before the accident. Maybe he wants to screw Busty again? That and he wants to talk about the baby.”

“And you don’t think he has a right to do that? To have some kind of say here? It’s just as much his baby as it is yours, Holly. You’re not being fair.”

The fight drained from me and I sagged back, my head lolling against the pillows. I stared up at the ceiling, focusing on the spots and texture. “Maybe not. Maybe I’m being a raging bitch. But right now, I don’t care. I’m not going to have another showdown with Jack here in my hospital room.”

Rachel sighed. “It’s not going to be a showdown.”

She was probably right. Deep down, I wasn’t even entirely sure why I was blocking Jack. All I knew was that the thought of him walking through the door was more than I could handle. I wasn’t ready for what would happen after that. My thoughts and emotions were still too jumbled. If I couldn’t even make sense of it, what hope did I have in explaining it all to Jack?

Beyond that, there was the dark fear in my heart that told me he would say the same things to me—he was happy and didn’t want me back.

Letting him back in scared me to death, but the thought of him walking away again crushed me.

Rachel was waiting for my reply when I glanced over at her, her normally smiling face set in a firm frown. “I hear you, Rach. I’ll think about it. Okay?” I replied, feigning a yawn. “I’m feeling tired right now.”

Rachel arched a brow at me but didn’t comment as she gathered her purse and headed for the door. “All right. You get in a nap and I’ll sneak you in something decent for dinner. Trust me, you’re gonna want it. Meatloaf on the menu.”

I stuck out my tongue. “Blech.”

Rachel laughed softly as she waved and exited the room.

I sighed and laid my head back on my stack of pillows. My eyes darted to the door as it swung shut and I wondered if Jack was still there on the other side, holding silent vigil in the hallway. The thought was both comforting and heartbreaking.

The following morning I was given another thorough check-up and then discharged with instructions to take it easy and stay in bed as much as possible. Not that I had much argument. Even the small laps around the hospital corridor had about done me in, the pain in my ribs was there with every step and movement. Carly and Rachel were there to take me back to the house.

“I still don’t understand why you won’t stay with me,” Carly said as she helped me into the passenger seat of her car.

“I need to be home, in my own space,” I replied, wincing as I swung my legs into the car.

Rachel hopped in the back. “We made up the couch and brought down all of your bathroom stuff and a few days’ worth of clothes so you won’t have to go upstairs.”

“Thank you.” I smiled at her in the mirror on the visor that was pulled down to block out the sun. “Are we stopping to pick up Hunter on the way?”

Carly slid into the driver’s seat. “Aaron said he’s bringing him over. I’m not sure what time. But soon.”


We set off for my house. On the drive, both Carly and Rachel made small talk. It felt forced but I appreciated the fact that they’d finally given up on coercing me into seeing Jack. I’d halfway expected to see him outside my room when the nurse took me for a walk but the hallway was empty. As much as I hated to admit it, I had a deep pang of sadness knowing he wasn’t there waiting for me. Not that I could blame him. Hell, I’d have probably taken the hint after the first few hours, but according to Gemma, Carly, and Rachel, Jack had been posted outside my room pretty much straight through the three and a half days.