“You’re Jack McGuire,” she said, joining us.

I was surprised by her statement but offered a smile. “That’s right.”

“Congratulations,” she said excitedly as we shook hands. “I followed your story. Medal of Honor. Bad ass fighter pilot. I’m surprised you don’t have Hollywood clamoring to turn your story into a movie. You’re a real American hero!”

Aaron laughed. “Now, now, Kourt. I’ve spent a lot of time deflating his ego, don’t make me have to start all over again.”

She blushed but still smiled up at me like I was made of bronze. “Sorry. I just—thank you, for what you did over there. When Aaron told me I’d be taking your position here at the museum, I have to say, I was a little intimidated.”

I laughed and slipped my hands into my pockets. “Looks like you’re doing just fine. That was a perfect landing. Military?”

She shook her head. “No. Pilot. My dad got me lessons when I was thirteen and I got my license as soon as I turned seventeen.”


“Not to interrupt,” Aaron said, clapping me on the back. “But I have a conference call with my real estate broker. Wanna do lunch?”

“Sure.” I nodded and he took off, leaving Kourtney and me alone.

“Listen, I have another flight in twenty minutes,” she said. “Unless you wanna take it?”

I held up a hand. “Oh, no, that’s all right. I’m just here for a few days then it’s back to New York. I’m doing charter flights over there.”

Kourtney smiled. “Yes, Aaron told me. Well, maybe I can borrow you sometime before you have to leave. I’d love to ask you all kinds of obnoxious questions.”

I laughed. “That sounds great. I’m always available for obnoxious questions. That is, unless you’re secretly planning to sell my story to some movie producer you’re dating.”

Her jade eyes brightened and a slow smile spread across her face. “No, I’m not gonna sell you out and I’m not dating anyone, anyway.”

The implication of my statement hit me and I started to correct it, but Lana called her away to greet her next tour group before getting her plane ready, so I swallowed and chuckled to myself and waved to her when she turned back to say goodbye.



After Jack’s impromptu visit, I spent a couple of days hidden away inside of my own head. I went to work and went home and straight to bed. I worried that I’d run into him if I went out around town. By the third day, I figured he’d be on his way back to New York and visiting my usual places was safe again. I started with stopping by The Siren on my way to work. It was busy as ever, but Carly pulled me aside when she handed over my order. She’d heard from Aaron that Jack had visited and wanted all the details.

“Wait, he still doesn’t know?” she asked when I finished my quick, in-a-nutshell version of the night.

I grimaced at the question. It was fair, but only added to the chorus in my head. I should have told him. I knew it at the time and especially once he left my house the other night. For all of my talk about moving on, making peace, and being happy for him in his new life, I lost all of my courage and chickened out.


“I know. I know!” I sighed and raked my fingers through my hair. “I don’t know. I wasn’t expecting him and then it was so awkward. By the time we seemed…I don’t know…normal, he was already leaving.”

Carly turned as the bell on the front door chimed. Margot was at the counter, helping fend off the morning rush, but the line was getting pretty thick.

I took my English tea and pastry bag from the counter. “I’ll tell him. I’ll call him tonight. I need to tell Noah as well.”

Carly snapped back around, eyebrow cocked, and shot me a dark look. “You’re telling Noah before you tell Jack?”

I dragged in another deep breath and exhaled. “He’s booking flights for a huge conference at the end of September. I need to make sure he doesn’t book one for me. I’ll be in my third trimester.”


“I know! I know!” I gave her a quick embrace and hurried away. She needed to get back to work, and I needed to get away from the self-loathing her questions stirred up inside me. I messed up. I admitted it. I’d tossed and turned all night, trying to figure out how to tell Jack the truth.

I raced to work and found Noah already in my office when I arrived. “Good morning, Holly. Anything for me?” he asked, eying my pastry bag.

I laughed. “Afraid not.”

He grinned and slipped his hands into his pockets. “We still on for lunch today?”

I rounded my desk and set my purse and cup of tea beside the keyboard and slipped out of my coat. “Yes.”