Carly wrinkled her nose. “Well, that’s cryptic.”

“Tell me about it.”

She sighed and pushed up from the table. “Looks like I have a couple of customers. Good luck, Holly. I really hope you guys can work something out.”

“Thanks. I’ll see you later.”

She squeezed my shoulder and then went back inside. I stared out at the water, my mind cranking out a dozen theories on what Jack might want to discuss. He’d sounded so business-like. Was that it? He was taking Aaron up on his offer to open a charter service business and needed my advice? Or was he going to tell me he was reenlisting in the Navy? That idea turned my stomach. I hated the idea of him being deployed again. Not after everything that had happened the last time.

I sighed and tried to calm my racing mind but it was a losing battle.

Jack and Princess walked up the beach a few minutes later and I stood from the table. I waved and then hurried around to the front of the coffee shop and got Hunter. I unclipped his leash and laughed as he nearly tripped over his own paws to get to Princess. My laugh choked off as emotion built in my throat and tears once again pushed to the surface at their happy reunion.

They missed each other just as much as I missed Jack.

I stooped down beside them and gave Princess a hug. “Hey, girl. You look good.”

When I straightened up and pushed back to my feet, I saw Jack watching me with sad eyes. It was gutting him just as much as it was me. “You look good too,” I said softly.

He gave a pained smile. “Thanks. You look beautiful, as always.”

I ducked my chin. “You’re welcome to help yourself,” I said, waving at the scones left on the plate that Carly and I hadn’t plowed through.

“That’s all right. I’ll try to make this quick.”

My heart sank. He just got here and he’s already trying to leave?

“All right.” I sat down and he took Carly’s chair. “What’s on your mind?”

He rested his forearms on the table and interlocked his fingers in front of him. “I wanted to ask you about the house. We haven’t talked about it in a little while—”

“Jack…” I sighed. “I already told you, you’re not a jerk for keeping the house. I’m perfectly fine where I’m at now. In fact, I have a new rental opportunity coming up next week.”

“It’s not that, Holly.”

“Oh.” My cheeks warmed. “Sorry.”

“As you know that house payment was a stretch, even with two incomes. I can’t keep it all on my own and since this…you’re…well, we’re not both there, I need to look into my options.”

“Are you getting a roommate?”

God, I hoped she wasn’t tall, blonde, and busty.

“No. In fact, that was the other thing I needed to tell you.”

I steeled myself.

“I’m leaving Holiday Cove. At least for a little while.”

“You are?” My heart sank. As much as I hated the anxiety over worrying about running into each other at the grocery store or pet store, the idea of never seeing him again made me sick.

“I’ve been offered a job out on the East Coast. I’ll be doing charter flights back and forth between Europe mainly.”


“Yeah. It’s a big change, but I’ll get to travel as much as I want and pick up jobs when I need the cash.”

I tried to smile but it died before reaching my lips. “That’s a big move.” It sounded lame, but it was all I could muster.

Jack nodded. “It will be, but I think that’s the point. At least for now. Anyway, what I was saying about the house, I’m going to be leasing it out. We can either split it or one of us will have to buy the other out.”

How was he so at ease? So…okay, with everything?

A surge of anger swelled inside me. How dare he be making plans and moving on as if I was nothing but a blip on his radar. I stood up from the table. “I’ll visit my broker and see about buying out your half. That should make things easier for you since you don’t want any strings.”


“No, it’s fine. I wish you luck, Jack. Have fun doing whatever the hell it is you’re doing. I told you to figure out what you wanted, and if this is it, then I wish you nothing but the best.”

I snapped for Hunter and he reluctantly wandered away from his place at Princess’s side. I walked back toward the parking lot without looking over my shoulder to see if Jack was watching us go. I kept my head high and my shoulders back until I was safely inside my car. Only then did I let myself break.

Back in my hotel room, I went to the bathroom to shower and caught sight of the small, white paper bag by the sink. My stomach flip-flopped. I knew I couldn’t ignore it forever. Especially not now after the conversation with Jack.