I chugged back the rest of my wine and quickly poured a second glass, not bothering with propriety as I filled the glass to the brim. Hunter and Princess lay at my feet under the table. I could feel Hunter’s warm belly pressed up against my toes. I didn’t hear anything, but suddenly both of them bolted up, their nails clicking on the hardwood floor as they scrambled for the door.

Seconds later, the lock clicked and the front door opened. My eyes flew to the large clock on the kitchen wall. It was half past seven. Earlier than Jack usually came home. At least these days. I debated getting up to greet him with a smile and a kiss but decided against it. I was just fine where I was.

“Holly? You home?”

I heard him shuffling at the entryway, likely taking off his coat and work boots and soothing the overeager pups. I sighed and threw back another drink of wine—a huge drink. “In here.”

He came around the corner into the main living room and my heart jumped at the sight of the bouquet of soft pink roses in his hands. I set aside my wine glass, wishing I’d had time to hide the now-empty bottle, and stood from my chair. “What are these for?” I asked, reaching for the bouquet.

He handed them to me with a sheepish smile. “I never congratulated you on your interview. I know it was a big deal and I didn’t…well, I didn’t handle it well.”

I took the flowers to the sink and grabbed a pair of kitchen shears. I clipped away the cellophane and rubber bands and then cut the stems under running water. “Thank you, Jack. They’re beautiful.”

“The florist was closed, but I thought you’d like these.”

I looked over my shoulder and smiled at him. He had his hands in his pockets and my heart ached, the distance between us suddenly sharp and apparent. “I love them.”

He smiled and this time, it almost reached his eyes. “I’m glad.”

I breathed in the fresh, springtime scent, even in the middle of winter, and hurried to put them in a vase. When they were arranged, I placed them on the center of the dining room table and then went to Jack. He folded me in a warm embrace and I sighed, releasing some of the pent-up tension from my musings over the bottle of wine. “Although, I don’t know if the interview was a success.”

Jack chuckled. “The guy would be an idiot to let you get away.”

His words struck me and my heart squeezed again. Was he saying that he would be an idiot to let me get away, too? Or was I reading into it? Did Jack even feel the distance between us the same way I did? I certainly felt alone in my lost wanderings, but maybe I wasn’t.

As if reading my mind, he pulled back just enough so that he could look down into my eyes. He reached up and brushed a finger down the side of my cheek. His eyes searched mine, though I wasn’t sure what they were looking for.

After a long silence, he dipped lower and kissed me. It started soft and smooth but ignited with heat as his tongue slipped over the seam of my mouth. A breath caught in the back of my throat, startled by the flutter in my stomach. Jack’s lips and tongue devoured my mouth, my knees buckled and I gave myself over to him.

“I missed you,” he growled against my neck as his lips wandered along my little sweet spots. He knew each of them well like a map of stars. I shivered against him as his teeth grazed my warm skin. “I want to be us again.”

I nodded, trying not to cry, but unable to find the words as he kissed me. His fingers wound through my hair, looping it around his thick fingers until he had a fistful. He tugged, just enough to drop my head back so he could get a better angle as his lips and tongue and teeth worked down the side of my neck. His other hand slid up the front of my shirt and went to tease my breast. My nipple went hard against his open palm and Jack instantly reacted, sliding his thumb over it.

“God, baby…”

He chuckled softly. “It’s been too long.”

All I could do was nod. He released my hair and wrapped his hand around the back of my neck. He kissed me soft and slow and then his tongue slid back between my lips and tangled with mine. A desperate, needy moan vibrated at the back of my throat and Jack moved against me. He was rock hard and I ached to free him from his clothing. I wanted to feel his skin against mine. We’d had enough barriers lately.