“Two Past Midnight. A brilliant book. The movie wasn’t too shabby either.”

“I’ve never heard of that one.”

“What?” he guffawed. “Are you serious?”

“I’m so serious!” I laughed.

“See, that’s not okay. I have to rectify that.” He looked around. “I bet you it’s in here somewhere,” he said, pushing back in his chair. “Or the collection, at least. Come on.”

I watched him walk in the opposite direction of me and then pushed out of my chair to follow him. He stopped at one of the computers and I stood beside him, watching as he typed in the name of the book. After he found what he was looking for, he stepped behind me and made his way through the library until we were at shelf 121.

“What are you doing?” I laughed again.

“I’m on a mission.”


“For this book. When I find it, you have to read it and let me know what you think, all right? You always have great feedback and debates with the assignments I give. This one will really strike up a conversation.” He continued skimming the shelves. “Should be here somewhere.”

“I’ll help.” I stepped up beside him, skimming the bottom shelves. “Got it!” I snatched it out and held it up in the air.

“That’s the one.”

I turned the book over in my hand. Its spine was creased, and it looked old and used by many, but old books often contain magic.

Professor Grant stood in front of me, and I felt the heat of his body. “Will you read it?”

“I will.”

He reached for the book, and I let him take it. He read the synopsis on the back and then huffed a laugh. “Your mind will be so blown.”

As he handed it back, his hand brushed mine. I took the book and held it against my chest, and he stepped closer, focused on my mouth.

“What if I don’t like the story?” I asked as he continued studying my lips.

“Then I suppose I’ll have to assign you another book to read.”

“Typical professor move,” I teased.

He smirked, but his eyes never wavered.

“Why didn’t you call on me in class yesterday?” I asked in a softer voice.


“In class,” I said. “I kept raising my hand to answer a question, and you would look at me but then look away and choose someone else…someone like Alisha.”

“Oh.” He worked his jaw. “Zara,” he murmured, and my name sounded so illicit spilling off his lips.


“I didn’t call on you because I knew you’d have the answer. You always have the answers. You’re a smart girl. I suppose I was looking to give others a challenge.”

“Is that really the only reason?”

“No.” His throat bobbed as his gaze locked on my lips again. “It’s also because that night before, I felt a spark, and I suppose I didn’t want that spark to carry into the classroom.”

“So, you wanted to avoid me during class instead?”

“No. I did it to protect both of us.”

I shook my head. “I don’t get it.”

“Yes, Zara. You do. Like I said before, you’re a smart girl.”

I frowned as I looked into his eyes, confused.

“And when it comes to Alisha, don’t compare yourself to her. You are you, and for some odd reason, I’m insanely attracted to that.”

I stuttered a breath. He was attracted to me? I found his gaze again, and he took a step closer. His body was almost touching mine. About half an inch more and he would have definitely been pressing against me.

“I haven’t been able to get you off my mind since the day I bumped into you at the coffee shop. There’s something about you, something rare and unique and magnificent, and every part of me yearns to hold on to it—to make you a part of me.”

My eyes drifted to his lips. “So why don’t you? Right here, right now, while no one’s watching.”

“I could lose my job if someone ever found out.”

“They won’t.”

“It would betray everything I stand for…”

I dropped my head. “I know.”

“You could get expelled. It would be risky,” he said in a lower voice, his head dropping an inch to catch my eyes.

“I know,” I repeated breathlessly, tilting my chin up.

“It’s fraternizing…”

“I know.” I craned my neck. His lips were so close to mine I could feel the heat of them. I felt a hand touch my waist. He reeled me in and held me close, his mouth still hovering, his eyes still fixed on my mouth.

“I want to kiss you so fucking bad right now,” he murmured in a raspy voice.

“I want you to, too.”

“Fuck.” His throat bobbed.

I didn’t know much about him, but at that very moment, I could read him like a book. He wasn’t going to do it himself. He had self-control and way more willpower than I ever could have had…so I decided to take initiative.

I pushed up on the toes of my Chucks and wrapped my arms around the back of his neck, gluing his body to mine. He groaned and stiffened but then immediately went lax. He kissed me back, and it was deep and sensual and everything I’d hoped it would be. God, it was so good. He tasted like mint from the peppermints he always carried with him—the same kind of mint he’d given to only me earlier that day.