Page 42 of Rode Hard

Ropes of cum splattered our bodies, our seeds mixing as one. When the orgasm released its hold, I rested my head on Luke’s shoulder to steady myself. He ran his hands up and down my spine, and over the rise of my arse.

“I love you so much,” I murmured.

“I love you too, sweetheart, and I promise you, we will bring Wendy home.”

His words of reassurance were a timely reminder we needed to move things along. We held each other for a moment before returning to the business of showering and getting on with our day.



I loved it on Kyle’s station. Endless blue skies and soft breezes during the day, millions of stars at night. The area untouched by city smog and pollution. While Kyle was my best friend, he was also my boss. I resolved to do everything in my power to ensure his property ran like clockwork and he remained free of stress.

I loved seeing Kyle in love with the man he’d held close to his heart since school. I suspected given time, I’d become a good friend to Luke also. They were good men who deserved happiness.

As I rode among the lowing cattle, I wondered if the time had come to tell him about my past. To help him understand why I was happy being closeted away on the station. More and more I was beginning to think I owed him an explanation. I’d seen the shock on his face when I’d confessed to Luke that my family was alive. But, could I trust him not to contact my father?

As I rode, counting, and checking on cattle and fences, I smiled at the number of new calves pressuring their mothers for feeds. There were a least a dozen new arrivals and I knew Kyle would be pleased they’d birthed safely.

I was lost in thought when the sound of a vehicle had me turning in the saddle to see a four-wheel drive approaching. Squinting into the sun, I attempted to see who was driving. The vehicle was unfamiliar, and as it drew closer, I realized so was the driver.

I dismounted and crossed to where the vehicle had pulled to a stop, leaving my horse to munch on the long grass. I wondered why a stranger would be on this part of Kyle’s property. It was impossible to get lost and wind up here. No, whoever this was had a reason for being here.

“Can I……”

The words froze in my mouth when the man pulled a gun, I cursed my stupidity at leaving my rifle pushed down by the saddle. He didn’t look like I’d imagined a criminal would. He was average height, clean cut, and dressed in clean jeans and a blue polo shirt.

“Get in the car, Natalie. You and I are gonna take a trip.”

When he reached out and grabbed my arm, I struggled against him, and screamed until he pushed the gun hard into my ribs. How the fuck did this arsehole know my real name and why was he doing…? Fuck, he was sent by my father. Of that I had no doubt.

The startling realization hit me with the force of a fully laden cattle truck. How the fuck had my father managed to find me? I’d been so careful, well aware of the contacts and power he wielded. It had been fifteen years since I’d limped out the door—determined to wipe them all from my life.

The man shoved me into the passenger seat of the vehicle, ordered me to fasten the seatbelt, and kept the gun trained on me as he rounded the car to climb in behind the wheel.

“What do you want?” I hated that the nervousness I felt came through in my voice.

He glanced at me, his eyes raking over my body. I shuddered with revulsion as he started the engine and turned toward the main road.

“I don’t want anything from you.” He flicked his eyes my way again. “Although, if I’d already been paid for this job, I wouldn’t have minded a piece of your arse.” He clicked his tongue. “Unfortunately, I haven’t been paid in full. If I fucked you, your daddy would probably cut my dick off and shove it down my throat. I certainly wouldn’t get the rest of the money I’m owed.”

“He wouldn’t give a shit about what you did to me,” I mumbled.

My mind screamed at me, I couldn’t go back. It couldn’t happen again, I wouldn’t survive being at their mercy again. I didn’t consider myself a coward, but I shook uncontrollably with fear and tears cascaded down my cheeks.

The creep patted my thigh and I recoiled at his touch.

“My name’s Jace by the way, don’t be scared of me. As long as daddy intends to pay up, you’re safe.”

I contemplated jumping from the vehicle even though we were now on the highway travelling 100kph. I didn’t care if I was killed, death would be so much better than the hell I was being returned into. I focused my attention on the door handle, inching my hand in that direction and yelped when Jace squeezed my thigh just above the knee. His fingers dug in cruelly and I knew they’d leave bruises.