Page 31 of Rode Hard

Luke looked puzzled. “How do you buy your clothes and whatever else you need?”

“I buy what I need online or Mrs Roby brings things for me. “

“You need to get out and meet people, Wendy. Go on dates.”

Wendy slammed her hands on her hips and glared at Luke. “I’m quite happy with the people I know, and the friends I have, thank you very much. I don’t need you telling me to make friends and date. I’d appreciate it if you minded your own business.”

The exchange between Wendy and Luke was becoming heated so I put a stop to it by suggesting we order dinner.


Dinner was a selection of Chinese dishes from my favorite restaurant in town and as usual was delicious. Conversation was relaxed which relieved me after the tension of the earlier exchange between Wendy and Luke. While Luke and I sat holding hands, and sipping wine, Wendy cleared away the dishes, loaded the dishwasher, and brought coffee and mugs to the table. Once she was done, she complained of being tired and excused herself to go to her rooms.

I frowned as I watched her go. After she disappeared through the door, I turned to Luke. “I’m worried about her.”

Luke nodded. “How about we move into the living room where we can talk.”

We stood, gathered our wine and coffee, and padded out of the kitchen. Luke placed his glass and mug on the coffee table and sank down on the couch. I closed the door, placed my mug and glass down and sat beside him.

“What’s going on?” I turned side on with one leg tucked beneath me and Luke did the same. I gathered his hands in mine.

“I shouldn’t tell you this, it’s against protocol but I know how much you care about Wendy and I don’t want to do anything official until we speak with her.”

“Luke, you’re scaring me. What is it you think she’s done?”

“Do you know Roger Winters in Mincrow?”

The name rang a bell and I concentrated on remembering where I might have heard it before, then a light bulb illuminated. “The mining magnate who owns a horse racing and breeding stud? What about him?”

“Wendy is his daughter.”

I shook my head. I’d never heard anything so ridiculous. “Nooo…Why on earth would she be working her arse off for me if she’s the daughter of a mega rich mining magnate? It doesn’t make sense.”

“No, it doesn’t, which is why I want to speak with her before I call in her location. We’ll talk with her after the court case, I want to keep an eye on her so she doesn’t take off.”

“How do you know it’s her?”

“When Rick was giving me updates on cases at work, we pulled up missing persons. He made it a habit to prioritize all those who have disappeared within a thousand kilometres of Clearlea. Her hair color is different, in the picture it’s red and she’s wearing glasses. She looks older obviously, but I have no doubt, the woman we know as Wendy is actually Natalie Winters.”


Luke nodded.

“Fuck me.” I didn’t doubt Luke for one second. “Why do you think she ran off and changed her name? Better still, how the hell did she manage to get a driver’s license and other cards in a false name?”

“No idea how she got the false documents, but I keep thinking back to my first impression of her. I honestly believe she’s been abused.”

“I tend to agree. Fuck, how do you accuse a man like Roger Winters of abusing you if you’re his daughter? She’d be crucified by him and his friends.”

“I think it’s why she keeps to herself, why she won’t leave the station where she feels safe.”

“She’s terrified of her father finding her.”

“Exactly, but that’s for us to deal with next week. It’s been fifteen years; a few days won’t make any difference. Right now, I want you to make love to me.”

Luke leaned forward, wrapped me in his arms and kissed me senseless. By the time we drew apart, I didn’t know which way was up. Fuck the man could kiss.

I stood, gathered his hand and led him upstairs to our bedroom. Our bedroom, I loved the sound of that. I wasn’t about to make love to my man for the first time on the living room floor.


”Strip,” I commanded as I closed the door.

I drew the curtains, switched on the lamp by the bed, and dug out the condoms and lube from my nightstand drawer.

When I turned back to face Luke, he was watching me. His arms were folded over his chest, he was still fully dressed and had a smirk on his face.

I raised an eyebrow.

“You think you can order me around, cowboy?”

“Um…I guess the answer you’re looking for is…no?”

“Damn right.” Luke crossed the room to where I stood, grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head. “No-one gives all the orders in this relationship.”