Page 25 of Rode Hard



I’d spent the past weeks immersing myself in work around Parker’s station since my start at the office had been delayed. I hadn’t been able to do much at first while my ribs were still healing, but Mr Parker had kept me strapped up and they’d healed quickly. The only time I felt a twinge of discomfort now was when I lifted something heavy or over-extended.

The hours had been spent thinking about my life and the direction it was now heading. I’d had such high hopes for a future with Kyle and it had seemed to be coming to fruition. How had it all gone to shit so fast?

I’d refused to answer dozens of calls from Kyle. The man was fucking persistent. Even after I’d spoken to Wendy, and said I was done, he’d continued to call. Eventually I blocked his number. Mr Parker had managed to send him away when he’d come over and demanded to see me, for which I was grateful. I couldn’t bear the thought of seeing Kyle again, I was a blubbering mess as it was. Going into the office for the first time was causing me all kinds of anxiety, it was the one place I couldn’t avoid Kyle if he insisted on seeing me.

Sighing heavily, I pulled on my uniform and headed downstairs. I found Parker in the living room reading the newspaper; a steaming mug of coffee on the table beside him. He glanced up and dropped the paper to his knees when I entered.

“You look sharp. Ready for your first day?”

“Not really. I’m scared to death Kyle will come in to confront me.”

Parker shrugged. “Sooner or later you’re gonna have to face him. He won’t give up until you speak to him.”

“I know, but I’d rather it was later. I’m thinking seriously of asking for a transfer. The only reason I came back was for Kyle. Now that’s no longer in the mix, I don’t want to stay. I couldn’t bear to keep seeing him knowing what might have been.”

“Don’t make any rash decisions, son.”

I nodded. “I’ll be back in four hours and will give you a hand with the afternoon chores.”

“Thanks for all your help over the past weeks. I’m very proud of the man you’ve become, son.”

“I appreciate everything you have done for me for so many years. I couldn’t have coped without you.”

“Can an old man give you some advice?”

“Of course.”

“Give Kyle a chance to explain. From what you’ve said, you caught him off guard. Knowing it would be a high-profile case would have scared the bejesus out of him. He deals with suppliers who he thinks would turn their backs on him if they knew he was gay and he also thinks he’ll lose his men.”

“Thinks?” Parker’s words confused me.

“Son, just about everyone around these parts know which way that man swings, but we all respect him enough to wait until he’s ready to say something. We don’t want to embarrass him by forcing him to speak before he’s ready.”

“Everyone knows?”

“Of course. People aren’t stupid. There were rumors about him during his years at school, and although he doesn’t socialize very often, he’s never been seen with a woman. He hasn’t been seen with a man either, but the way he stiffens when a woman lays a hand on him hasn’t gone unnoticed. Wendy is the only woman he’s allowed to get close. We all thought maybe we were wrong when she came here, but after all these years, it’s obvious they have a brother/sister relationship. Give him a chance to make things right, Luke. Love like you have for each other only comes along once in a lifetime, don’t throw it away.”

“I’ll think about it.” I gave him a mock two finger salute before leaving.



I pulled my truck into the driveway of mum and dad’s place in Caloundra and switched off the motor. I sat for a few moments admiring the view over the ocean from the clifftop property before stepping from the vehicle into the warm mid-morning air. A soft salt infused sea breeze welcomed me as I made my way to the door..

As I approached, dad opened the door and stepped onto the porch.

“Son…” I shook his outstretched hand. “Admiring the view?”

“Yes, it’s beautiful up here. I can understand why you love it.”

“Good trip down?”

I nodded. “A bit of heavy traffic on Caloundra Road but not too bad. Most of the peak hour congestion had cleared by the time I came through. Lis here?”

“Yep, her and Seb are both here. They’re talking to your mother in the kitchen while she finishes getting lunch ready. You always did have good timing when it came to her cooking.”

I laughed and followed dad inside. I was surprised to learn Seb had joined them. I hadn’t thought Lis’s husband would take a day off work. When I stepped into the kitchen, my sister squealed and threw herself into my arms. Mum glanced over her shoulder and smiled. It had only been three months since I’d last seen them, but with the way my sister behaved, anyone could be forgiven for thinking it had been more like three years. I laughed and hugged her tight before releasing her to shake Seb’s hand and give mum a hug.