Page 21 of Rode Hard

We embraced, and kissed deeply, I was happier than I'd ever been.

"Let me get cleaned up from dinner. I'll speak with Wendy and then we'll go to bed."

"Please, let me clean up, my ribs are much better when they're strapped and I have next to no pain. Go and speak with Wendy, she could probably use a hug from her boss."

I kissed my man again before heading down the hallway to Wendy's suite.



I knocked lightly at Wendy's door and waited. When there was no response, I called her name. She still didn’t answer, so I opened the door a fraction and again called her name. A muffled "go away" came from the direction of the bedroom. Usually it wouldn't have entered my mind to intrude where I wasn't invited, especially into a woman's private domain, but I knew she was upset and I was concerned. I padded quietly through the living room, and when I reached the bedroom, was shocked to find her lying face down on her bed, sobbing into her pillow. Shocked, because Wendy was the strongest woman I knew and rarely got upset.


I crossed the room, sat on the edge of the bed, and pulled my distraught friend onto my lap. She buried her head against my bare chest, and within seconds I was soaked from her tears. It broke my heart seeing her so upset. I ran a hand over her back soothingly and kissed the top of her head.

"Sweetheart, talk to me."

She slowly raised her head until her tear-stained face came into view and gazed at me through red-rimmed eyes.

"I can't," she sniffled before wiping a hand under her nose. "It hurts too much, Kyle."

"Why now? Why has it surfaced after all this time? I had no idea something was so wrong."

"Luke. I thought I'd locked away what happened and thrown away the key. I was comfortable around the other men because they don't live in the house and I care very much about you. You would never do anything to hurt me. I would never have asked to come here if I feared you. But then, Luke arrived and he was going to be in the house. I didn’t know him and the terror of my past returned."

She stared deep into my eyes and the anguish in hers broke my heart.

"He's such a big man, Kyle. I was petrified of being here alone with him."

"You seem okay with Luke now, what changed?"

"I saw his injuries, heard when he said he'd refused to fight back. I realized he'd never deliberately hurt anyone. It isn't in him. Tonight, when I saw the love he has for you in his eyes, I knew without doubt he wasn't a threat. I lost it when you talked about a special man in my life because it's something I'll never have. I don't want it and no man would want me if he knew what had happened."

I froze as what Luke had said came back to me. I was convinced now that Wendy hadn't only been beaten, or abused, she'd also been raped. It was why she believed no man would ever want her and why she couldn't stand to be touched by one except me. Everything was now making sense. I wanted to kill the fucking bastard who'd hurt her, and why the fuck hadn't her family stood by her? It was obvious they hadn't.

"Sweetheart, you can't keep this bottled up, it will tear you apart. If someone has hurt you, and I'm convinced they have, Luke might be able to do something about making them pay."

Wendy shook her head violently. "No. Absolutely not. Anyway, it was more than fifteen years ago, we couldn't do a damn thing even if I wanted to. Who would believe me?"


She placed her fingers to my lips, kissed my cheek and climbed from my lap. "I think I'll go to bed. Thank you for caring, Kyle and please apologize to Luke for me. He seems to be a good man and I know you'll be happy together."

I nodded as I stood. "We're here for you when you're ready to trust us."

"I know and if there was anyone I could tell it would be you. You're the only person who's shown me any love, been there for me. I love you dearly, Kyle, and I think I'll feel the same way about Luke in time. Please don't ever expect me to talk about my past, it's too painful."

I kissed her forehead, left the suite and headed upstairs to where I knew my man would be waiting for me. My man. I smiled to myself. Fuck I loved knowing Luke was my man.


I found Luke was sitting on the bed staring at the large window, obviously lost in thought. His eyes were fixed. Staring. He couldn’t have been looking at anything outside, the place was engulfed in darkness except for the soft light of the moon.