
The distant tone made her stomach lurch. So much for getting back to normal. Is this our new normal until shit gets put to rights?

“We really need to talk.”

“Yes.” She sighed. “I’m so glad you brought this up.” She locked the door behind him and walked into the living room with him trailing behind her.

“Look, I’m going to be straight to the point. I think we should end this.”

Joey spun around so quick, she almost got whiplash.

Moose stopped in his tracks.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Joey threw her arms up in the air. “You want to break up?”

“Seeing you like that and knowing it was my fault damn near killed me.” Moose shook his head.

“It had nothing to do with you! It’s because I’m Juliette’s friend. I have a giant red target on my back already.”

“No, Levi and his friends want Mayhem blood, even more so now, and they’ll do anything to get it.”

“This is not happening.”

“It’s for your own good, Jo-Jo.”

“Fuck you! It’s for your good. You’re a fucking coward. What’s between us is rare, real and deep—and you don’t want any part of it.”

“Don’t say that,” he hissed.

“Why? Does the truth hurt?”

“It’s not the truth.”

“Oh, bullshit!” she huffed.

“I’m trying to do right by you.”

“No, you really aren’t.” She shook her head, fighting back tears. I won’t give him the pleasure! “I thought we were past this bullshit, but I guess that was wishful thinking.”

“We were.”

“No.” She held up her hand. “Or you wouldn’t be doing this. Why stick around all this time? You could’ve just left when I first got back. It would’ve made things easier.” He’d lived at her home, helping her get back on her feet, easing her through nightmares. How can he just walk away like this?

“Because you needed me.”

“Oh, and now magically, I don’t?” Joey crossed her arms over her stomach.

“No. I mean…you’re better.”

“Save it. Just get out. I’m not about to beg a man to stay with me. If you want leave, there’s the door. We did this once before. I won’t be making a habit of it.”

He stepped back.

“What? You thought I’d try to persuade you? I love you like hell, but if someone shows you who they truly are, you have to believe them.”

Moose just stood there and stared at her.

An unnatural stillness fell. Blood rushed in her ears.