A ride had never felt so long even though they made the drive in ten minutes. As they approached the landing strip, they spotted a small jet. The door was open, and the stairs were lowered. Levi held a bundle Moose recognized as Evonne in his arms. Is Joey already on the plane? He accelerated, driving balls to the walls. Levi glanced over his shoulder and hurried his pace, but carrying a person up steps didn’t allow much speed. Moose’s brothers moved into formation. They skidded to a stop at the stairs, and he jumped from his bike. The ladder began to lift. He leaped onto the stairs, hanging on as they continued rising. He struggled to climb farther up. Another body joined him, and another. The mechanism balked at the weight and the stairs came down, slamming into the ground.

“Put the girl down and come out with your fucking hands up. You know you can’t win this shit, Lawrence,” Moose said, letting the man know they had his number.

“You hurt me and you’ll never find your woman,” Levi called from inside the plane.

She’s not here. Moose clambered up the stairs and into the cockpit. Evonne lay on a seat, and Levi stood beside her, a smile on his face. He has me by the balls, and he knows it. I have to shake his arrogance. Moose pulled a knife from his pocket. “You fucked with the wrong M.C., pretty boy,” Moose hissed. “If you think I came without backup or I won’t find a way to extract the information I want from you, you’re more fucked in the head than I originally thought.” He lunged forward and pressed the blade into his neck. Levi’s eyes widened. His pulse point jumped wildly. “Nod your head if you understand that I alone hold your life in my hands and right now, I’m not real keen on seeing you breathe.”

Levi nodded swiftly.

“Good. You may think you and your fucked-up friends run everything, but you’re in my world now, motherfucker.”

Heavy footsteps clomped up the steps. Wanderer appeared looking like a war-weary avenging angel.

“You’re ours now, boy.”

Levi swallowed, hard.

Moose grinned and tightened his hold around the back of Levi’s neck. “Yeah, you’re fucked.”

“Start walking, motherfucker.” Moose slid the blade down his neck and dug the blade in, piercing Levi’s jacket and shirt. Levi whimpered, and Moose knew he’d drawn blood. “That’s the first of many tonight if you don’t tell me what I need to know. Maybe even if you do. Now walk.” Levi began to move forward. “You thought you’d screw us over and skip town. Fly out of the country and hide out. Doesn’t work that way. We have long memories and ample reach. We would’ve found and followed your stupid ass.” They climbed down the stairs, and Moose saw the black van. He led Levi to the blacked-out fortress.

Wanderer and Shooter grabbed an arm the minute Levi stepped into the van and quickly lashed his wrists to the arms of a chair.

Moose slid the door shut behind him and held out his knife, running his finger down the sharp blade. “Let’s take a ride.” The van began to roll along, pulling out of the airport and Moose knelt beside Levi.

“Are we going to make this easy or hard, Levi? Or should I say, Lawrence?” Wanderer said.

“We know who you are, and it’s only a matter of time until we figure out who your friends are too,” Moose said.

“I didn’t figure you animals would have enough IQ to scrape together to figure it out,” Levi spat. His lips twisted, and his nose wrinkled as if he’d been caught upwind of shit.

“Oh, you still sore about your boy? Didn’t that teach you what we do to mad dogs?” Moose tsked. “It’s not looking good for you as of now.”

“You think you can take us out one by one and no one will notice?” Levi snickered.

“Oh no, I didn’t say that.” Moose shook his head, brought the blade over and scraped it down Levi’s hand drawing a thin line of blood. “That’s too easy. I want you to live, suffer as your world goes up in flames around you.”

Levi huffed. “Killing me is all you’d be capable of doing.”

“He talks real fancy, don’t he?” Wanderer asked.

Moose nodded.

“He’s under the mistaken impression money does shit for him here,” Shooter suggested with a sneer.

“You shouldn’t have fucked with my daughter,” Wanderer said. He stepped forward and struck Levi across the side of his face.

Levi’s head whipped toward the right.

“I don’t hear him saying much now. You might have fixed that disrespect issue,” Moose observed drily. “I also don’t hear anything pleasing to my ears.” He brought the tip of the blade up to Levi’s face. “Maybe I should bring the point home.” He pressed the tip into Levi’s hairline, releasing a slow trickle of blood. Levi began to breathe heavily. “No?” Moose slowly dragged the blade to the right.

Levi cried out. “You can’t kill me. You’ll never find her.” He panted.

“Here I thought you were prepared to die and take the secret to your grave,” Moose taunted.

Levi turned his head away.

Moose glanced at the others while smirking.