“Let me repeat the question. Are you expecting backup?” Tiny asked.


“Who do you work for?” Tiny asked.

“It was nothing personal, just a job,” the man said.

“A job?” Tiny asked.

“We were hired to take out the people here.”

“I don’t think I believe you. Wanderer, how about you take a turn?” Tiny said.

“With pleasure.” Wanderer popped his knuckles, and delivered a punishing blow to the man’s jaw. The beating continued relentlessly. The man slumped forward.

“Get him up, Snubs,” Wanderer said.

Snubs held him up by his hair.

“You ready to talk now?” Tiny asked.

“L-Levi, Levi.” The man moaned.

“The fuck did he just say?” Shooter said.

“You know him?” Wanderer asked.

“Isn’t that the name of the guy Evonne is dating? I find it hard to believe that’s a coincidence.”

“Fuck, Joey had dinner with him tonight. Well, him and Evonne,” Moose said.

“Call her,” Wanderer said.

“Everyone get on the phone with your family and your significant others, make sure they’re okay. Tell them to initiate lockdown protocol,” Tiny said.

The thought of Joey being hurt made Moose sick to his stomach. Moose gave a curt nod and stepped away, pulling his cellphone out of his pocket. He didn’t even have a home for her to bunk down in. The conversation with her father haunted him. I’ll take care of, I’ll protect. Well, I’m doing a shit job right now. The phone rang and went to voicemail. Dread bottomed out his stomach. He hung up and dialed again. The sound of the recorded message made him want to gag. “I think we have a problem.” Moose swallowed heavily.

“What’s up?” Tiny turned to look at him.

“Joey isn’t answering,” Moose said.

“Try her friends first, then give her one more call before we panic,” Wanderer said.

Moose nodded and began to dial the girls up one by one. When Hil and Juliette ended up accounted for, his stomach dropped to his knees.

“Evonne and Joey aren’t answering,” Moose said.

“Son of a bitch,” Wanderer barked.

“Fuck.” Moose ran a hand through his hair.

“Is there anywhere else she could be?” Tiny asked.

“This late at night?” Moose shook his head no.

“I want everything we can find on this Levi character. Specs, start running a trace on their cellphones, so we can figure out where they are.”

Images of the horrors Joey could be suffering played in Moose’s head like a twisted snuff film. If their goal was to hurt, there’d be no bargaining, pleading or mercy. Suddenly, he felt like that helpless son years before. Unable to do anything more than wait and hope for the best. The position distorted his mental state of mind.