“And yet you love me.”

“I know. I’ve always been a dirty girl like that.”

Her voice took on a husky quality that made his cock twitch.

“Tease.” He nipped her ear, squeezed her side, and guided her in the house, kicking the door closed behind them.

“I have to apologize in advance for my mom. I haven’t brought a boy home since high school,” she said.

“I think I can handle her,” he said.


“Something you want to tell me?” He quirked an eyebrow.

“No, I’d rather watch you find out on your own,” she said. Her eyes sparkled with mischief, and the corners of her mouth turned up. It was a look that had been rare with the stress of helping Juliette plan for the wedding, dealing with Wanderer and getting back on track after their derailment. The sound of heels on hard wood brought his gaze up. His jaw dropped, and his brain seized. Her mother was nothing like he’d imagined. Dressed in a pair of low-rise jeans and a tight-fitting white tank top that showed off her full s

leeves, she didn’t look much older than Joey. Her dark hair flowed around her shoulders, and bangs fell over her forehead. She had a heart-shaped face and full pink lips.

“Moose, I’m so excited to meet you finally.” She opened her arms, and he stood frozen as she pulled him into a hug. Her floral scent enveloped him, and he couldn’t help but relish the feel of a mother’s hug. There was nothing quite like it.

“It’s good to meet you, Ellen.”

“I know we just met, but I feel like I already know you.” She stepped back. “We don’t have friends; we have family.” She flashed him an easy smile, and his lips twitched up in response. She was good people. Somehow it made Wanderer an even bigger asshole. Heavy footfalls sounded on the wood. Speak of the devil.

“Moose.” The broad-shouldered man nodded and stared him down like a bull who’d caught a glimpse of something red.

“Wanderer,” he said, returning the gesture.

“How about we all head outside and get the grill going?” Wanderer asked.

“Sounds good,” Moose said, recognizing the request to speak privately for what it was.

“We’ll just prep things in here then,” Ellen said.

Joey frowned. She narrowed her eyes, opened her mouth and then shut it. Pride swelled in his chest. She was learning. It wasn’t in her nature to back down, but she got that this was business. She nodded, and he and Wanderer walked through the house to the back patio. He took in the surroundings during the short journey. Ellen’s home was neat, girly and a little rock and roll at the same time. She’d fit in with the old ladies he knew. It was easy to understand how Joey became so damn cool. It went a long way toward easing the part of him that thought she’d show her true self one day. It was a strange feeling finding someone who felt so damn right you couldn’t deny if you wanted to, and damn had he wanted to. This wasn’t what he’d been looking for. Joey was supposed to be a good time with a sexy, laidback woman who knew the rules he lived by. Instead, she’d turned into a life-altering event.

“Close the screen door,” Wanderer said.

Moose did as he asked. “This business or other?” Moose asked.

“A little of both. You remember our last conversation?” Wanderer asked.

“Yeah, I remember,” Moose said.

“I see my little girl is still unclaimed,” Wanderer said.

“Not that it’s any of your business, but your little revelation screwed us both up.”

“I don’t want to hear your bullshit excuses. My daughter’s not something to be cast aside once you’ve used her up and decided you’re done.”

“Don’t pin your mistakes on me, old man,” Moose said.

“Old man? Who do you think you’re talking to?”

“An overprotective father who’s trying to make up for not being around and losing his daughter in the process. Why don’t you slow the fuck down and get to know her instead of trying to control her life? This approach is the worst one you could take. She’s like her mother, man. She needs her freedom. You’re trying to put her in a cage she doesn’t belong in or want to go to. I’ve been sitting back, keeping my trap shut because you outrank me, and this is a family matter. Now that you’re coming for me with guns blazing, I’m going to speak my piece and let this shit fall where it will. You need to back the fuck off. You’re stressing Jo-Jo out, which means you’re affecting me.”

“So you think you’re more important than me, her father?”