“I can see how that’d be true.” Wanderer nodded. “Close the door and have a seat.” He gestured toward the chair across from his desk.

Moose complied, sinking down into the black-leather seat. He placed his hands on the armrest. I’ll let Wanderer take the lead. I’m a guest in his house.

“What are your intentions with my daughter?”

“To be happy with her.”

“Nothing else?” Wanderer frowned.

“It hasn’t even been six months. I like her, I respect her and we have an understanding. It’s enough for us. I don’t know if you realize but growing up with just her mother did a number on her. I’m not sure she even wants what you’re trying to impose.”

“So you’re saying she wants to be some fly-by-night with no claim?”

“She has plenty of claim,” Moose defended. He tightened his hands on the arms of the chair, careful to keep his voice even and his tone low.

“Really? Because we both know it doesn’t mean shit unless she’s an old lady.”

“Sweetheart’s a respectable title we’re both happy with.”

“For how long? And then what will she have once you use her all up?”

Moose bit his tongue and clenched his jaw as he mentally counted to ten. “Well, I’m not a fortuneteller, so I can’t give you an exact time frame.”

“Watch your mouth,” Wanderer sneered.

“You think she’d appreciate the way you’re grilling me right now?” Moose asked.

Wanderer looked away. “I’m doing my job as a father.”

Moose smirked. Finally. “I’m not sure she’d see it that way. Look, at this point, I know Joey better than you do. She handles herself well and doesn’t like outside interference. She’s important to me. I’ll fight for her, take care of her and provide what she needs. Anything else, I think is between your daughter and me. Had this gone a different way, I would’ve come to you first for permission. But that wasn’t possible, so we both have our hands tied by what’s going on.” Moose shrugged.

“I want you to come correct or not at all.”

“Which means what?” Moose asked.

“Make her more permanent.”

He heard an ultimatum in the tone. “Or?” Moose said.

“Or let her go.”

Moose leaned forward in his chair. “Let me get this straight. You expect me to walk out of here, find her and pitch old lady status?”

“Not right away, but in the near future.”

“And if I don’t?”

“Then, we’re going to have a problem.” Wanderer smirked.

Unsure what to say, Moose remained silent.

“You understand me?”

“Yeah, I heard you.” He didn’t like one-sided stipulations.

Chapter Eleven

Hearing the knock, Joey pushed away from her computer desk and smiled. One of the girls must be by to check on her. They’d been amazing over the past week, cheering her up and getting her out of the house.