“The feeling is mutual, Levi,” Juliette greeted.

Joey nodded, smiling as she studied him, searching for signs that would explain her apprension.

He looked nice enough. His eyes were warm and the hand he kept on the small of Evonne’s back spoke volumes. He was into her. “I’d love to stay, but I need to head home and pack for a trip. I’ll be able to spend more time with you during the wedding. Congratulations on the happy event.”

He said all the right things, in just the right tone, but Joey wasn’t buying what he was selling.


sorry to hear that. We were looking forward to getting to know you,” Joey said. He sighed.

“I know. I was too. It was last minute, but when duty calls and the contract is already signed, I’m not left with much of a choice,” Levi said. He flashed a toothpaste-perfect ad, and she couldn’t help but feel there was something sinister behind that perfect exterior.

“I understand that, minus the travel.” Joey said, playing his game. The monster didn’t hide their true nature as much once it thought had you under its spell.

He laughed. “As a graphic designer, you know the time and energy that goes into bringing someone else’s vision to life. I tip my hat to you.”

They talked for a while, and he checked his watch. “I’m sorry. I wanted to meet all of your friends, but I have so much to get ready.”

“I know. Hil will be sad she missed you though,” Evonne said.

“We’ll all get together when I get back? Dinner somewhere?” Levi suggested.

“That’d be great,” Juliette said.

“Wonderful. It was nice meeting you ladies.” He turned to Evonne and delivered a sweet kiss onto her upturned lips. “I’ll talk to you before I fly out tomorrow.”

“Okay, have a safe trip,” Evonne said with a sigh.

“I always do.” He grinned and turned on his heel, striding from the restaurant with determined steps.

“Wow,” Joey whispered with awe.

Evonne giggled. “Yeah, that my boo. What’s the verdict?”

“I liked him,” Joey replied, shrugging.

“I did too, but you know without Hil’s weigh-in, the jury is still out,” Juliette added.

Evonne snickered. “I know, but two against one are odds I like.”

Hil rushed toward them, flustered. “I’m so sorry you guys. It took me longer than I anticipated, wrapping up that paragraph.”

“It’s okay, Hil. We’re used to it,” Evonne said.

“Okay.” Hil sighed and sank down in her chair heavily. “Deadlines are like a person with a gun standing behind you telling you to write.”

“Aaah, you love it,” Juliette said.

“I do. I must be a masochist.” Hil shook her head.

“So, we met Levi,” Joey said, smirking.

“What? No. The one time I’m late?” Hil said.

“It’s okay. He said we’d do dinner when he got back from his business trip,” Evonne said.

“Good.” Hil smiled, and shot Joey and Juliette a look that said they’d talk later. “Now, what’s going on that we had to send out the 9-1-1?”