“Jesus, your life is a soap opera.”

“Trust me, it’s much more fun when you’re watching it on television and not stuck in the middle of it. My Father caught wind of me dating Moose and decided it was time to claim birthright.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m an Eight by birth and being the president’s kid turns me into biker royalty, to make a long story short.”

“Holy shit, Joey! Why didn’t you tell anyone?”

“I’ve only known for about a month myself and I couldn’t. Club rules. Our business stays in-house, at least until we sort it all out. Moose isn’t my old man, so to them—it’s nothing more than a casual relationship.”

Juliette winced.

“Yeah, exactly,” Joey muttered around another spoonful of ice cream.

“I don’t understand though. Moose knows the rules.”

“Yeah, and if I had come clean with it, I think it wouldn’t have been so bad. Hawk saw me at the Eights last night and brought it home to him.” Ashamed, she lowered her head.

“Why did you wait?”

“I just got the green light from Wanderer, my dad. They had to take their pound of flesh for him lying and be introduced to me. It was a lot.” Joey shook her head. Images of too many men to remember by name shaking her hand along with their old ladies and kids filled her head.

“God, I can only imagine.” Juliette reached over and squeezed her arm.

“Moose sort of lost it. We went back and forth; he took a pot shot and I offered him the door. He asked me what he’s supposed to tell Mayhem to keep me in their good graces,” Joey sneered. “I told him the truth. He can verify it with Wanderer now if he wants, but I don’t know if it’ll be enough.” Joey shook her head. Tears blurred her vision. “He was gun-shy from the start and he looked at me like I’d damaged something between us. God—hearing him all but call me a liar made me fucking sick to my stomach. You know me, Jul. I don’t lie.”

“Joey, that man feels more for you than he wants to admit. He looked totally devastated last night. You don’t walk away from a relationship you’re that invested in. Not over circumstances out of your control.”

“I don’t know. I can’t help but think eventually, he’ll have to make a choice.” Joey’s voice cracked. “Either he goes to my father and sets things right by him, or we don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell. Wanderer’s not happy I’m only a sweetheart. He’s afraid I’ll end up like my mother.”

“Oh, Joey.” Juliette wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

The dam Joey used to hold back her tears broke. She hiccupped as her chest tightened and tears made their way down her face. “I-I keep going over everything in my head, asking myself if I could have done anything differently.”

“None of this is your fault. How could it be? You’re more a victim than anyone else.”

“Then why do I feel so guilty? I came into this thing with no expectations and now that it might be over I realize—I love him.”

Juliette gasped. “Joey. That’s huge.”

“I know. I know. I always said I didn’t want to be beholden to any man. Maybe Moose changed my way of thinking, or perhaps knowing the truth about my father fixed something broken for a long time… Regardless, here I am—completely fucked.”

“No. I don’t believe that at all.” Juliette hugged her close. “I really don’t. This is going to work out. If I have to lock you both into a room until you work it out.”

Joey snickered and choked on her tears. “I wouldn’t suggest it. That giant fool would probably just break it down and tear out of there like his namesake.”

Juliette laughed. “I wouldn’t put it past him.”

On the end of her crying jag, Joey began to calm. Breathing deeply, she wiped her face. “I’m a mess huh?”

“I think you’re entitled in this instance.”

“What am I going to do, Jul?”

“Wait and see what Moose does. The ball is in his court now.”

“Yeah, I figured as much. It’s going to be a painful wait.” Joey closed her eyes. Hell of a time to find love.