Good, you should be ashamed, asshole. “How do we plan on doing this, do I have some fucked-up version of a quinceanera?”

Wanderer snorted. “Now that you get from me.”

Despite her anger, the words planted a tiny bulb. At the end of the day, this man was her father. His blood ran through her veins and overall, he wasn’t a bad man, just one who had made a thoughtless decision that locked him into a lie.

“Then this…partnership should be interesting,” Joey noted. “What’s the first step?”

“Tonight I’ll round everyone up, tell them about you and let the fallout happen. When it’s settled down, we’ll bring you in and let you get to know everyone.”

“Okay, so I’ll let Moose know to hang—”

“No.” Wanderer shook his head. “This is club business. Nothing is discussed until we have our shit together.”

“You expect me to lie? That won’t fly.” She shook her head. “Look where it got you and Mom.”

“Fuck, your mouth is sharp enough to cut diamond. Since we’re being blunt, I know he’s not your old man. You’re lucky I’m respecting the relationship at all.”

“I’m lucky.” She stood. “I think we’ve talked enough for one night.”

“Sit down.”

“I’m not your lackey. You can’t make me do a damn thing.”

“Watch me.” He rose to his height.

Joey leaned back.

“Whether or not you like it, I am your father. Now sit your hotheaded ass down and listen. I know what I’m talking about. I’m trying to do what’s best for everyone. That’s the thing about being in an M.C. Whether born or joined. It’s not about you anymore. There is no individuality. It’s a group. You’d do well to remember that.” The words and his tone pushed her back into her chair. Suddenly, she understood exactly why this man was the president.

* * * * *

“Where are we headed?” Moose asked, following Shooter and Maverick out of the clubhouse to their bikes.

“For a visit with the Eights; we’re setting up some runs together. The dealers are heavy hitters. They approached both of us, and we want to make sure they keep it up on the straight and narrow,” Maverick answered.

“What? Prez thought they were going to pull something shady?” Moose asked.

“Yeah, only reason I think he’d want to buddy up. I mean we’re cool with them, but this is like getting into bed with them,” Maverick explained.

“Speaking of, where is Tiny?” Shooter said, looking around.

“On his way, he had an appointment with Boston,” Hawk said walking up behind them and climbing onto his bike.

“Can you believe he’s going to be a dad?” Shooter asked, shaking his head.

“Times are changing, boys.” Hawk grinned. “Well, for those of us with a ball and chain.”

“Fuck you.” Shooter flipped him off.

Hawk laughed and shook his head. “Who said I wasn’t referring to ol’ Moose over here? You and your sweetheart have been all right and shit.”

Moose rolled his eyes. “Look, if you want to hook up with one of her friends, I can probably manage it. But don’t give us shit because you’re tired of your hand.”

“Oooh…” A chorus rang out among the group.

“Damn that’s cold.” Hawk smirked. “Sorry, boys, no one’s taming me.”

“I mean his name is Hawk,” Moose teased, shrugging as they all laughed.