“Good, now if you can hold your tongue, I’ll explain.”

She gave a curt nod.

“When you weren’t in the life, speaking up was a choice. One I decided against, because it allowed you the freedom your mother and I didn’t grow up with. Once you took up with Moose, I couldn’t stand on it. Letting you go around flying his flag and ignoring mine would be a smack to the face. As you can imagine, I’m not the type to take that lying down.”

“Why? No one knows.”

“The community can be small and one good look at the both of us and it’s easy to put two and two together. I learned a long time ago leaving loose ends untied is a bad idea.”

“Are you saying this could start a war?” Her chest constricted and she gripped the arms of her chair tightly.

“I’m saying it could ruin the friendly setup we’ve held for years.”

“I don’t want that.”

“Neither do I. No one wants to go to war. It’s ugly, and there are always casualties on both sides. Yet, respect is everything. I need you to understand how important that is. Respect and fear keep you safe and on top of the heap. I can’t lose from either angle. I’m in charge of more people than you and your mother.”

“So once again, they come first. Isn’t that how this has been set up from the beginning?” she scoffed.

“Do you have any clue what would’ve happened to me? What might still, once this comes out? Procreating with another brother’s daughter without consent or acknowledgement? That’s a bloodletting offense.” He shook his head. “I don’t know if your mother explained her father—”

“She did,” Joey said. If he was trying to change the topic, she wasn’t about to let him.

“Then you know how literally that man takes those words.”

“But you’re the president.”

He shook his head. “Clubs are founded on rules. If they aren’t followed and reinforced, it all goes to shit. If we don’t approach this situation a certain way, I’m fucked. As is, it could make me shaky with the older members. People here remember Stargazer well. A breath of fresh air in this charter, she was well-loved. Old ladies are going to want to see my ass handed to me.” He shook his head.

“Are you saying you don’t deserve it?” She sucked on the inside of her cheeks, daring him to say yes.

“No, I should’ve manned up a long-ass time ago. And I sincerely apologize for that.” He leaned across the desk and took her hand. “I would change it if I could. But the past is behind, and I’m looking toward the future.”

His words were logical, but they did nothing to soothe the hole ripped in her heart. “So what? You expect me to give up my ent

ire life now?”

“No. But I do expect you to claim your proper title and acknowledge us. We need to plan this out carefully.”

“Plan what?”

“Moose’s request to court you. Shit, we need to come up with a damn good reason why I let you go outside the crew.”

“Don’t you think you should worry about telling people I exist first?” she asked, not able to follow the frog-leaping his brain was doing.

“They all know you exist. They just don’t know I’m your father.”

“Uh huh, and how are you planning on spinning that?”

“I’m going to tell them I saw you recently and it became damn clear where your lineage lay.”

“You planning on painting my mother in a bad light again?” She ground her teeth together.

“No, I’m going to set the record straight about that too. But you should know, we don’t judge here. Not her.” He shook his head.

“That’s something at least, because she sure as hell doesn’t deserve that.”

“I know.” His voice lowered and he dropped her gaze.