“What do you want?” She crossed her arms beneath her breasts, and he was drawn to the cleavage visible in the formfitting black tank top. You. “I told you, to talk.”

“About what?”

“Joey and the man she’s been hanging out with.”


“Is that his name?” He scowled, cataloguing the information for later.

“Yes and she’s happy as hell. Now if you have something important I should know about this M.C. I’m willing to listen. Otherwise let the girl live her life.”

“No, the Lords of Mayhem are good people, allies. We’ve never had a problem with them, and the Prez, Tiny, has a real good head on his shoulders.”

“So, what’s the problem, Wanderer?”

“Why did you leave, Stargazer?”

“You really want to go into that now?”

“Would I ask if I didn’t?”

“Because, you were too scared to man up and handle your business. The title of president meant more than me, us, your child.”

The words were a heavy weight on his chest. “You think I don’t think about that daily?”

“You always seemed to sleep well at night to me. As long as you threw money our way and made sure we were well enough off.”

He ran his hands through his hair. “I had an M.C. to run. My dad died unexpectedly. I was scrambling to keep the boys from flipping their shit and to make the families feel safe and well cared for. I couldn’t be the man you needed, either of you. Starting shit with your dad at that time would have been suicide. We would’ve imploded.” His thought drifted to the surly bastard who’d never taken care of her like he should. The go-to man when you needed a dirty job done, he’d have wanted his pound of flesh for Wanderer not coming correct from the start.

A member of a charter a few hours away, her father had allowed Ellen to spend her time with them because the old ladies had taken a shine to her. None of them had missed the bruises or her cowed behavior around him.

“And I understood that at first. What’s the excuse for after?”

He shook his head.

“Right.” She

shook her head. “Fucking unbelievable, Joseph!”

He cringed at his given name. “I was young and stupid. What do you want me to say?” he asked.

“Nothing. I want you to remain a silent partner in our daughter’s life,” she said.

The words dug the knife deeper. “Fuck that, Ellen.” He stalked toward her, backing her into the wall. “Don’t act like we haven’t been fucking this entire time,” she said.

“That’s the one thing you were always more than willing to do with me. Good enough to screw, just not to claim, right? Me or your daughter.”

“That’s what I’m trying to tell you. It’s time to let the world know you’re mine, both of you,” he said. He clutched her face in his hand, refusing to let her turn away from him.

“Because another man is trying to put his mark on Joey? No thanks,” she said, shoving him away and wiggling out from under his body.

He bowed his head, resting his forehead against the cool wall as he mentally counted to ten. I deserve this. Anger under control, he turned to face her. “So you telling me I can’t see my own kid, tell her the truth?” he said.

“No, I’m saying I’m not going to allow you to come at her all fucked up,” she said.

“I’m checking this kid out, Ellen,” he said.

“Fine, do it covertly and keep your opinions to yourself unless he’s some kind of serial killer.”