They all turned to look at Tiny, who stood from his seat at the head of the table. “I know this meeting was last minute. I received news that made me want to tighten up security.” Tiny cleared his throat. “We just found out Boston is pregnant.”

Moose’s jaw dropped as murmurs rose around the room.

“Yeah, you think you’re shocked,” Tiny said half laughing. “We’re excited. It’s about time we started working on the next generation to pass the title down to. I want more cameras around my house and the club. We’re going to get some new protocol going just for families in case of a lockdown situation with infants. This is all new for us. We haven’t had babies around in the M.C. in a long time. We were founded on a family-first mentality and I want to make sure that continues. Over the past ten years, we’ve busted our ass securing our position, building up our finances and solidifying our alliances. It’s time we expand and look inward. With Shooter’s wedding coming up and Boston expecting. I feel like we’re headed in the right direction.”

One by one, the heads turned to look at Moose.

“Don’t fucking look at me. Congrats, boss man!” Moose stood up and clapped the Prez on his shoulder.

“Thanks, I’m hoping for a boy first at least. Then he can decimate anyone who even look

s at his sister wrong later.”

They all laughed, and the mood lightened as celebration filled the space. They dismissed the meeting fifteen minutes later with Gadget and Specs headed to the local electronic stores to get everything installed and set up by the end of the night.

“Hey, mate, you got a minute?” Moose called to Maverick.

“Yeah what’s up?” he asked, stopping to stand beside him.

“My sweetheart had a run-in with a guy from the Eights named Snubs. What can you tell me about him?”

Maverick shook his head and let out a wolf whistle. “Snubs. The guy is every bit as hardcore as his name. Crazy son of a bitch.” He shook his head. “Tell me about this run-in.”

“Not much to tell, she told him he was barking up the wrong tree, but he was persistent.”

“She claim Mayhem?” Maverick asked.

“No, just said his flags were wrong,” Moose said.

“I never heard of anything going down with the Eights and women. If she told him to step off, I imagine he will. Moral compass-wise, they’re like us. A little busted, but not completely broken,” Maverick said.

“Thanks, man, that takes the weight off,” Moose said.

Maverick smirked. “No problem. Shit getting serious with you and Joey, I take it?”

“Let’s just say she’ll be around for awhile, eh?” Moose answered.

“Better be careful. With Tiny’s wild hair up his ass, he’ll have you hitched up and living in marital bliss.” Maverick rolled his eyes.

“Fuck, man, don’t even say that shit out loud.” Moose shuddered. The thought of a ring and paperwork made him want to break out in hives.

Maverick laughed. “That all you needed?” he asked.

“Yeah, man,” Moose said.

“All right, I’m going to hit up the bar. The new house mouse is sexy as hell.” Maverick wiggled his eyebrows.

Moose glanced at the dark-haired girl with caramel skin slinging drinks in a tiny pair of cutoffs and a tight white tank top. She was pretty, but she held no pull for him. And I called Shooter whipped. Acquired by Slick in a poker game with another chapter, Layla had taken over for Red. Quiet but witty and always ready with a smile, she seemed like an okay chick.

“Feeling better?” Shooter asked, appearing by his side.

“Somewhat. We’ll see what happens as time goes by,” Moose said.

“Damn, dude, I think Tiny’s paranoia is wearing off,” Shooter said.

“Better to be prepared than unaware.”

“Wow, quoting him too. You trying to earn some brownie points?” Shooter laughed.