“Snubs…” Shooter’s eyelids flew up. “You sure that was his name?”

“Yeah, she said that’s what it read on the patch.” Moose frowned. “Why?”

“Because that’s their V.P.” Shooter looked troubled. “What the hell would he be doing at that club, hitting on a chick when he has a clubhouse full of women falling all over themselves to get to him?”

“Fucking fantastic, now I like the situation even less.” Moose scowled. The way he’d doggedly pestered Joey for her name made him twitchy. Why would he care, unless he needed it for some reason?

“Hey, I say no harm, no foul. Chances are, they’ll never run into each another again, and if they do? Joey can set him straight.”

“I want to look into it more anyways.” Moose scowled.

“Figured. What do you want to do?”

“Learn more about Snubs and the Eights. Specifically, how they treat and acquire their women.” The world they lived in was a dark one, and some had no morals.

“I’m pretty sure they don’t peddle flesh if that’s what you’re worried about,” Shooter offered.

“I want to be positive.”

“All right, we can ask Maverick. He knows everyone’s dirty laundry.”

“Good.” Moose nodded. The tension eased from his shoulders.

Shooter finished off his drink. “I’m guessing you want me to hit him up right now?”

“That obvious?” Moose shook his head. Women had a way of complicating life.

“I know the look of a concerned male. I wore it long enough.” Shooter snickered.

“How is that coming along? No trickle down?” Moose wondered about the ass who abused Juliette before she met Shooter.

“Nothing so far, which makes me even more suspicious. If his partners were anything like Peter’s crazy ass, they shouldn’t be taking it lying down. Don’t let Joey know I’m worried. I don’t want to get Juliette on edge. She’s been through enough.”

“You know I don’t do sharing corner like that, brother.”

“You seem pretty tight.” Shooter raised a brow.

“Yeah, I’m man enough to admit I’m in deeper than I ever imagined myself being. She just gets me and this life.” He shrugged. “It’s not something every woman could handle. Plus, she puts it down like a boss.”

Shooter laughed. “Things I didn’t need to know about my old lady’s best friend.”

“Shit, I had to tell someone. Didn’t think she had it in her, man. She’s a freaking lioness.” He licked his lips, thinking about the night before. She’d taken to the candle play like a fish to water. His cock twitched in his pants. She made it difficult not to become completely enamored with her. “Do you know what the meeting is about?” Moose asked, grasping on to the distraction.

“No clue.”

The door opened. Gadget and Specs walked in together. The two best friends had an apartment together not too far away. Both were sons of Lords of Mayhem patch holders, who’d done their prospecting together. The two nodded, and Moose waved them over.

“It must be semi serious if he called in the technical twins,” Shooter observed.

“Shit, knowing Tiny, it could be a healthy bout of paranoia setting in.” Moose rolled his eyes.

There was a reason Tiny stayed on top. He thought about everything that could go wrong and took preventative action. They had a Plan A, B, and C drilled into their heads for worst-case scenarios.

Moose glanced down at his watch. “Let’s open up the conference room. They should be trickling in soon. We got thirty minutes ’til we start.”

* * * * *

“Calling the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.” Moose tapped his gavel down.