“Can we get a round of waters?” Hil requested.

Joey fanned her face, shifting her weight as they waited.

“It looks like you’re a biker magnet now,” Juliette said.

“I don’t know why.” Joey shook her head.

“Might be the outfit,” Evonne said.

Joey peered down at the black jeans she’d paired with a black corset and three-inch-heeled boots. “What’s wrong with it?”

“Nothing, but you’re giving out the badass chick vibe. It brings all the bikers to the yard,” Hilary sang, mimicking the Milkshake song.

Joey snorted, rolling her eyes. Their waters arrived, and they moved over to a tall table to hydrate and recharge.

“So, we meet again,” a masculine voice said.

Joey glanced up at the biker and rolled her eyes. “You fly the wrong colors and belong to the wrong set. Let’s leave it at that,” she said.

“You an old lady?” he asked, eyes widening.

“Why do you need to know? You plan on contacting him?” Joey said. What the hell is wrong with this guy?

“In case you’re too dense to get the hint, she’s not interested,” Hil said, lending her support.

“All I’m trying to do is get a name, and I’ll take my leave of you lovely ladies,” the biker explained.

Joey narrowed her eyes. “Joey,” she said.

“Was that so hard?” the biker asked.

“Isn’t this the part where you leave?” Joey said, folding her arms beneath her breasts as she studied the patch on his vest. “Snubs.”

“I’ll be seeing you, beautiful.” Snubs turned on his heel and walked away.

“Okay, that was weird,” Evonne said as she shivered.

“I think you should tell Moose,” Juliette said.

“Why? So, we can start some shit?” Joey shook her head.

“Because it didn’t seem random. Why did he only want your name?” Hil said.

“I don’t know, shits and giggles?” Joey shrugged. “Don’t read too much in this. We’re here to have a good time and not leave the bullshit behind.”

“I’m not saying we need to leave now, but when we get home you need to hit him up,” Juliette offered.

“Deal. For now, let’s hit up the dance floor, and keep on dancing ’til the world ends.” Joey shimmied her hips to the Britney Spears song, and the girls laughed, following her back onto the floor.

* * * * *

High from a night out, and freshly showered, Joey sank down onto her bed and grabbed the cell phone on her nightstand.

You up? she texted Moose.

Yeah, you home?

She smiled. He’d been waiting to hear from her. Despite his need for space, he always kept tabs on her.