Joey narrowed her eyes and studied her friend’s face. Tension thrummed just beneath the surface. She could see it in the pinched set of Hil’s lips and the strained areas around her eyes. Even her jaw seemed tensed. “You sure about that?”

“Damn your intuition, Brooks.” Hil sighed.

“I knew you were hiding something.” Joey pointed her index finger across the table at the curly-haired woman, who rolled her eyes.

“Why lie?” Juliette asked. “Haven’t we had enough of secrets?”

“It’s not personal. I just don’t want to drag anyone else into it,” Hilary said. She blew curls out of her face as she leaned back in her seat.

“Start talking, now,” Joey demanded.

“I’ve been doing research on Peter’s victims,” Hil said.

“Why?” Juliette asked. Her face twisted into a mask of confusion and horror.

“I don’t know—morbid curiosity? It’s a mystery I have to get to the bottom of,” Hil said.

“Even for you that’s a little much. What’s really going on?” Joey asked, not fooled by the excuses she flung their way.

“Like I said, I’m not sure the retaliation from Peters’ buddies is over. And if it isn’t, I want to have something substantial to fight back with. These are powerful people. They had Peter killed in prison.” She snapped her fingers. “For peace of mind, I need ammunition that’ll take them down.”

Juliette gasped. “You’re that concerned about them? Did something happen I don’t know about?”

“No, of course not, Juliette. No one is keeping anything from you,” Joey said, glaring at Hil.

“Men like that don’t just disappear after being threatened. Which is what we did when we exposed Peter. We know there’s more and now they want blood. I can feel it in my gut,” Hil said. She shook her head. “Look, I didn’t want to worry you. That’s why I kept it to myself. But for me, it’s the same concept as Horror Movie 101, the killer always comes back for one last scare and Peter’s ghost hasn’t come back to haunt us just yet.”

“Speak for yourself. His memory haunts me plenty,” Juliette whispered.

“I’m sorry, Jul.” Hil reached patted Juliette’s shoulder.

“No, it’s good you’re on top of things. Maybe I’m naïve, thinking it was over so easily.” Juliette sighed and closed her eyes.

“No, you want it to be. Hell, you deserve to walk away and leave the past there,” Joey said. “If anything pops off, the boys will handle it.”

“Exactly,” Hil concurred. “I’m just trying to be ready from a legal point of view.”

Juliette gave a shaky smile and nodded. “I appreciate you looking out for me, Hil. Thinking ahead is smart. But the thought of anything else happening pushes me to the edge. I mean what else can he take from me? What other sick ways have his friends thought up to add to my suffering to avenge the dead bastard?” Juliette said.

The words tore at Joey’s heart. Juliette had been to hell and back again. “Hey, she’s just covering an extra base. There’s no need for anyone to worry. You have other things to be focused on, like your wedding, which is coming up rather quickly,” Joey said redirecting the conversation.

Juliette smiled and sat up straighter. “You’re absolutely right. I’m not letting anyone take away from that day.”

“That’s my girl,” Hil said, nodding her approval. They were all a little protective of Juliette right now.

“Don’t think you’re off the hook either. We both know you’re playing a dangerous game. You need to be careful,” Joey said to Hilary.

“I know, I know,” Hil said.


“I know, Joey. Trust me, I’m covering my tracks and treading lightly,” Hil said.

Joey nodded, but made a mental note to keep an eye on her spunky friend.

They played catch-up as they polished off the bottle of wine and a cheese plate. With her secret out in the open, a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Joey wasn’t the type of person to keep secrets, and keeping track of what she said had grown old weeks past.

* * * * *