“No.” She smiled. “I just want to be clear about where we are.”

“What’s to know? I made you my sweetheart. You know what that means, right? We’re serious and you’re off limits,” he said, unsure what else she wanted from him.

“So romantic,” she gushed. She placed a hand on her chest and fluttered her eyelids.

“If you’re looking for the chocolate-and-flowers type, we both know I’m not your man.”

“Is that what you are? My man?” she said.

“I thought that was clear. Or you telling me you don’t want it to be?” he said. She had him feeling out of his element. He hated that. He narrowed his eyes, unsure of the circles she was spinning.

“I just thought…” She paused. “You don’t like commitments.”

“I don’t like having my wings clipped. I live this life to be free.

As long as you’re cool with that, this thing between us will flourish,” he said.

“There are many definitions to the word free,” she said.

He sighed. “You know I’m not fucking anyone else. You’re independent with your own life and friends. If you have something going on you can’t handle, I’m here. But otherwise, keep the damsel in distress to a bare minimum.”

“Fuck you, Moose. I don’t need a man to save me from shit,” she said. Anger flashed in her eyes.

He grinned. “I know. That’s why you’re perfect,” he said.

Joey scowled. “You know I wasn’t sure if you realized what you did the other night. You were so drunk.” She shook her head.

“I knew. Is it enough for you?” he asked.

“If I say no?” Joey whispered.

“Then this will have to be the end of the line. I’ll never bullshit you, Joey. So, if you want to ask me a question, you’d better be sure you’re ready for the truth.”

“So, we stay in a perpetual state of dating?” She tilted her head.

He could practically see the wheels in her head turning. “You looking to get hitched anytime soon?” he asked.

“No.” She snorted. “Maybe not ever.”

“See? We match,” he said.

Joey paused and a wide grin spread across her face. “Yeah, I guess we do, don’t we?”

The tension around in the room faded.

“We’re good now?” he asked, tentatively. He learned a long time ago to never take things for granted with a woman. You had to make sure you were on the same page.

“Very.” She pushed herself up onto her knees and crawled onto his lap. “Now I think we should kiss and make up.”

“Baby, I thought you’d never ask.”

Chapter Four

Joey halted in front of Corked and prepared herself for the shakedown. Then she shook her head and walked up to the table at the back of the wine bar. It had been awhile since they’d gotten together. Between Juliette’s wedding, her secret relationship and Evonne’s mystery man, Levi, they hadn’t had much time for hanging out. She reached the back of the bar and found Juliette and Hilary at their table. “Hey, girls, where’s Evonne?” she asked as she sat down at the table, placing her purse in her lap.

“Off with him who we still haven’t met.” Hilary said, rolling her eyes.

“I guess he surprised her last minute with a weekend trip, and she didn’t want to turn him down,” Juliette explained. “Don’t be so mean, Hil.”