A cheer rippled through the room. They’d been closed-lipped about the sex of their baby until now. She left Gia and walked over to stand beside Monster by the cake. They both grabbed the knife.

“Alright, everyone who’s been betting here, you’ll learn if you’re paying up or receiving cash,” Monster said.

They sliced into the cake, revealing the light blue.

“It’s a boy!”

The pride in her husband’s voice made her laugh. The boisterous cries made her beam. After all this time, she was a part of family and beginning a new branch of her own. She leaned back and closed her eyes as Monster devoured her lips.

“That’s how you guys got here in the first place!” A voice teased.

She moaned her agreement into her husband’s mouth and allowed herself to get lost in the love her marred man showed her every chance he got. Apart, they were warped, but together—they were beautifully flawed and completely functional.

The End