“Trust me. There aren’t enough juicy details to keep them on our trail. It’ll be over before it truly begins.”

His nonchalance fuels my anger. Doesn’t he understand how terrifying this is? As an upstart, all I have is my reputation. They’re calling that into question.

“I never expected this, Luk.”

“Sweetheart, you’re dating a Billionaire. You had to expect at some point you’d end up under a microscope.”

“No, because all I saw was you. I didn’t think or care about anything else,” I whisper. I was so stupid. My hands shake as I struggle to put on my underwear. I get them up, and he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me to him, stopping my mad scramble to get clothed.

“I’m sorry this caught you off guard. I know you’re upset, but I promise you it’s all going to be okay.”

“They think I got the job because I slept with you.”

“No, your work spoke for itself. I treated you no differently than I would any other person I hired when it came to our business dealings. You did nothing wrong, and anyone who tries to insinuate differently will be dealt with.

“Is this going to continue to happen?”

“I won’t lie to you and say no. This is part of what comes with me.”

I close my eyes. I’ve never been a coward, but this feels like a lot. He kisses my temple.

“I know you want space, but there’s no way in hell I’m letting you leave the house so upset. Come on, let’s go downstairs I’ll get you coffee and breakfast, and we’ll figure out how we want to handle this, yeah?”

I nod my head. The honeymoon period is officially over.


I study the velvet box in my hand. It’s our six month anniversary. It should be a cause for celebration. Instead, I’m worried. Olive’s been distant since the first article came out. I can’t blame her in a way. Thrust into my world, she’s been photographed, asked for interviews, and talked about in a less than flattering way on social media. I clutch the velvet box as my temper flares. I wanted to eviscerate each and every person who dare hurt her. But that’s not the way of the world. Things have begun to die down, and I’m hoping we can get back on track.

I place the case back in the gift bag in the lilac bag adorned with a curly white and purple bow and exit the car. I thank the Lord for small favors when I make it to her apartment without running into a photographer. I knock. She answers the door a moment later in a form-fitting black dress with a deep-V that stops at mid-thigh, and I struggle not to swallow my tongue.

“You look ravishing,” I whisper as I step inside and kiss her cheek.

“Thank you.” She smiles, but the strain remains. I set the bag on the table, sink onto the couch and pat my thigh. “Come and sit. We’re not going anywhere until we talk.”

She nibbles her lip as she nods and comes to perch on my leg.

“What’s going on? You haven’t been yourself lately. I can’t help you if you don’t talk.”

“The scrutiny I’m under has been a lot to deal with.”

“And I’m here to help you with that. You’re not alone, love.”

“I know, but there were things I needed to figure out for myself.”

“Care to share?” I ask.

“I had to ask myself if it was worth it. If we were worth it.”

“And?” I whisper almost afraid to breathe.

“I love you, Luk. I’m not sure when it happened really. One minute you’re a prickly thorn in my side, and the next you’re my best friend and lover. A completely necessary part of my life. You make me laugh when no one else can, and despite your insane schedule, you force me to take the time to relax. I’ve been holding on to this for weeks. I know we never talked about where this was going. It caught me unaware. I toyed with keeping it to myself, but I can’t any longer because I need to know if I’m in this alone.”

I frame her face with my hands and rest my forehead against hers. “I love you too, Olive Bateman. With an intensity that scares the bejesus out of me. After the accident, I shut myself down. Caring for someone felt too much like playing Russian roulette because you never knew what could happen to them. I lived for my family and our business. Then they grew up and started leaving the house, making lives for themselves. I was feeling that empty nest syndrome in the worst possible way, and then I met you, and everything began to change. So, when you ask me where I want this to go. I’d say until forever and beyond. Because I can’t let the woman who returned color to my world go. There are going to be times when who I am will make things difficult. But we’ll get through it all together.” I capture her lips and devour her until my lungs protest.

“Together, I like the sound of that,” she says breathily.