he knows that.”

I’m seeing the steel core hidden behind her sweet nature. With big blue eyes, a waif-like frame, and long, light-blonde hair she’s as All-American as you can get.

“I think it’s admirable of you to feel that way about marriage. Most don’t nowadays.

“We had a stellar example with my parents. They were truly in love. We all saw them fight. It wasn’t all hearts and x’s and o’s, but they worked through the rough patches, and came out stronger for it.”

“My parents married out of college, and they’re still together. They have a funny relationship. He’s an English professor, and she’s an art teacher. He’s serious, and she’s not. They play off one another well. I pretty much think they live in a Romantic Comedy that’s playing in a loop.”

Rachel laughs. “Not a bad life.”

“No. My mother is where I get my ridiculousness from. A fact my father likes to remind me of frequently.”

“And what does he say you get from him?” Rach asks.

“My business sense and love of books, of course.”

She giggles. “They sound amazing.”

“They really are. This reminds me of how long it’s been since I saw them. I need to swing by later this week.”

We continue our conversation as we package the guests’ gifts. The wedding might be over the top, but it’s personal. Every one of them has pitched in. They’re different than I expected. They use the money to get what they want, but they don’t lord it over people. They’re intimidating at first glance. Tall, gorgeous, and stupidly wealthy, they have an aura of power that surrounds them. But I’ve also seen them be kind, fair, and unassuming. I think I’ve done more than make clients. I’ve made friends. My mind goes to Luka, and perhaps one of my greats. I prescribe to the fact that the luckiest of us have three great loves. Our first love, the one who makes us grow, and the one who lasts forever.

I’ve had my first two. Could Luka be the last? It’s too early to tell, but he makes me dream again, and that’s saying a lot.

“Did you get my gift?” he asks.

I roll onto my back on the bed and smile. “Yes, and as you requested, I’ve yet to open it.”

“How are you tonight, love?”

“Good; tired. The wedding preparations are ramping up, and I’ve had a few other jewelry pieces I finished off, and sent out through the post earlier.”

“You work so hard.”

“I have to keep the income flowing. Besides, it’s impossible to say no when the person asking you is a chance to get your name out there.”

“You think you lack exposure?”

“I do.”

“I assure you. After the wedding, you’ll get plenty of that.”

“It’s going to be insane isn’t it?”

“The media will be out and about that day.”

The thought of flashing lights and video cameras in my face make me queasy. That’s not the type of fame I’d ever want to possess. A one on one interview, or article is fine. Constantly being hounded by the press trying to get a story is a completely different thing.

“Are you ready to open your surprise?” he asks.

“Yes. You know you don’t have to keep sending me things, right?”

“I do, but it pleases me and makes you smile. So why not?”

“I don’t want you to think it affects the way I feel about you. I’m not. I don’t need all of this.”

Luka laughs. “Only you would protest my courting methods.”