“If I made you uncomfortable, I apologize. It wasn’t my intention. I thought the attraction was mutual.”

“It was. I mean, it is.” She sighs. “It took me by surprise. I’ve been so busy with work, men haven’t been on my radar for some time. This came out of leftfield and blindsided me. I wasn’t sure what it meant to either of us.”

“And now?”

“I can see how leaving looked like a dick move. I didn’t want my mini-freak out to be misconstrued.”

I chuckle. “I won’t say it didn’t sting my pride. But I’m man enough to take it.”

“Good. I’m rusty at this.”

“And what it this, love?”

“I’m looking for clarification on that.”

“I want to court you, the way a proper gentleman does. The way I was raised to do. But I’m not a man who turns things off and on like a light switch, so I need you to be sure before we start.”

“What about our working relationship?”

“I’m confident we can keep that separate for three more months, don’t you?” I ask.

“I think so.”

“I leave tomorrow for England, and I’ll be gone for three weeks. Why don’t we use that as a trial period to test things out? When I come back, we can talk about our next step.”

“I’d like that lot, Luka.”

“I like the way my name sounds on your tongue. Say it again for me, Olive.”


I smile. “There are a few things. If we date it’ll be exclusive.”

“For both of us?” she asks.

The hesitation in her voice makes me want to skewer the man who came before me.

“Of course, love. I’m not sure who you’ve been dating, but you should forget everything about them because what we’re building is in a whole other league.”

“You sound so sure.”

“I am. I don’t make a habit of dating those I work with.”

“Why am I different?”

“That’s what we’re trying to figure out, isn’t it?” I ask.

“You don’t think we’re too different?” Her voice is softer and uncertain.

“I think opposites can attract. I used to think of you as a thorn in my side. You have a sharp tongue, a quick wit, and grit. I’m not used to being talked back to or disagreed with, and you don’t back down when you believe in something. It’s an admirable trait I’ve grown to appreciate.”

She chuckles. “Believe me the feeling was mutual when it comes to being prickly. I think we both drew blood.”

“It just means we’ve gotten the first spat out of the way early, love.”

She giggles and I lean back against the brown leather couch.

“What are your plans for today? I’d like to see you before I leave.”