“Yes. She’s quite good at that, isn’t she?”

Preston laughs. Friends since we were children, and roommates in college, he’s a trusted family friend.

“In a few more months, she’ll be married. What the hell are you going to do with yourself when you’re not micromanaging her?”

“Haha. You have a daughter and see how well you fare.”

“No, I’m good with my two boys, thanks.”

I chuckle. “Where is your better half?” I ask looking around for Elise.

“She took the boys to the restroom. I’m sure they’ll get lost coming back because there’s so much to see.”

Four and Seven, Hunter, and Richard were their father made over. Which was good in some ways, and exhausting in others. The tow-headed bundles of energy kept both their parents on their toes.

“How are you? We haven’t had you over for a month of Sundays.”

“I know, it’s this blasted expansion and new product launch on top of Rachel’s wedding. If I’m not traveling, I’m meeting with some wedding coordinator.”

“Isn’t that usually the bride’s job?”

“Yes along with her mother, so you see where it falls to me to make sure things stay on track, and she doesn’t go too far off the rails with her ideas.”

He winces. “I’m sorry, I didn’t even think about that.”

‘It’s alright. No reason you should have to.”

“You’ll walk her down the aisle, I assume?”

“Yes, but we decided her brothers, and I do will be the phrase when we give her away.”

“I think that’s rather fitting,” Preston says. He lets out a low whistle. “I know just about everyone in our circles, and I know I’ve never seen her.”

I turn, and the world around me fades. All I can see is Olive Bateman in a pale pink lace dress that shows off the swell of her breasts, nips in at her slender waist and make her dark-brown skin downright luminous. Her hair tumbles around her slender face in curls, and her full lips make me want to fall to my knees and worship her for the goddess she is. The dress ends a few inches below her knee, and I can see her shapely calves in the peep toe white heels. There’s nothing overtly sexual about the dress, but my cock wants to break free from my pants. She looks around the room, and our gazes lock.

Her mouth forms an O, and I wonder what they’d taste like. I can sense the attention in the room shifting to the stranger.

“If you’ll excuse me, I need to go greet a guest,” I tell Preston, not bothering to wait for his response as I walk toward her. There’s always been a strain between us, but this is different. I step up beside her, and I’m engulfed by an earthy flowery scent.

“Rachel invited me,” she blurts.

“Oh, I’m sure she did. The two of you have become fast friends, I’ve noticed.” I want to touch her curls and explore the texture of her glossy black hair.

“She’s pretty incredible and lets me talk art, so yeah.” She shrugs and gives a sheepish grin I can’t help but be charmed by. “Two peas in a pod.”

My lips quirk upward. “I didn’t say it was a bad thing, Ms. Bateman.”

“Did you really have to?”

Her words make me frown. I open my mouth.

“You came.” Rachel’s squeal halts our conversation as she throws her arms around Ms. Bateman.

Her entire face lights up with joy as the two reunite like best friends who haven’t seen each other in years. She thinks I dislike her? The thought bothers me, and I can’t put my finger on why. It’s not like me to care much about the opinions of others. Asher, Micah, and Kane appear to greet her with gusto. I scowl. She’s more than a woman who’s working for us. She’s become a family friend. It makes her more important. Of course, I don’t want to be on the outs with her.

I fade back into the background as I go over our interactions. I demand perfection, but I also pay handsomely for it.

“You want to tell me who the lady in pink you ditched me for is?” Preston asks as I return to greet Elise with a kiss on the cheek and ruffle the boy’s hairs.