“So get wasted out of their mind and dick around with the King Chasers.”

“Some of them, not our men, though.”

“Damn straight. I’m sure Echo wouldn’t either, right?”

“I never asked her about their arrangement, but given all he went through to keep her, I’m leaning toward no,” she says.

I digest the information. We’re rare jewels in this world. It’s a harsh truth. The ‘don’t ask don’t tell’ thing is alive and well. Especially, when they go on runs. I couldn’t live with the what if’s.


Headlights shine through the house. “They’re here!” I squeal.

“Let me check,” Bolton says all business. My nephew is really coming into his own. It’s an amazing and terrifying thing to witness. All too soon, he’ll be prospecting, and losing the last of his innocence. He walks to the window and pulls the curtain aside slightly. “Yeah, it’s them. We have prospects who’ll be riding by the house all night too.”

“Thanks, Bolty,” Blue says as she grabs my hands and tugs me toward the door. Holding hands, we giggle as we wait for the right moment to unleash our surprise.

He opens the door, the girls walk in and we pull the string on the net we’ve taped above the door. Pink and silver balloons float down.


Dixie Rose laughs. “You girls are too much.”

“Please, queen for the day, have a seat and let us crown you,” Blue says.

We close the door.

Then Bolton quietly slips away.

I can’t help but snicker. Once the alcohol hits, he’ll be getting an education.

I run to the fridge, grab the champagne soaked pink and white gummy bears and place them on the silver tray that holds the champagne flutes. They have Dixie Rose seated in a chair with her I’m getting married pink tank top with elegant black lettering and a crown on her head.

“Everyone grab a glass and we’ll break out the Mimosa pitchers and the bride tribe tank tops,” I say.

We pass around the white tank tops with matching lettering that say So we’re getting drunk, and Nevada and Mimi laugh.

“Where were you when I got married?” Nevada asks.

“Here in Cali, you eloping ass,” Blue says.

We fill the cups and settle in.

“We have a lot of things planned. The first thing we have to do is take out before mug shots,” Blue says pulling out a mock slate.

“Damn, now I know we’re at an Old Lady’s bachelor party,” Mimi says as we snicker.

“I figured it was fitting,” I reply with a shrug.

“Are you going to be the next in this position?” Nevada asks.

“Me? Oh, no. I don’t know if rings and vows are Skull’s style.”

“No offense, but I didn’t think monogamy was either,” Nevada replies. “I think it’s safe to throw assumptions out the window.”

If you only knew, he is going to be a daddy too. “I think I’ll stick to settling into this Old Lady thing first,” I retort with a wink as I sip on my orange juice. There’s a reason my cup is marked with an R.

“Alright, Queenie. Time for your photo op,” Blue says getting Dixie Rose to stand. Thirty minutes later, the strawberry jello shots have been devoured and Bolton is working on beef kabobs on the grill to keep us from getting too drunk prematurely.