“I’m not leaving you alone right now.” Ruthie’s face is set in a stern, stubborn expression.

It’s a look I know well. “This is nothing new, Ruthie. I live this daily. It just…spilled over because of what happened with Shadow. I’m fine.”

“You’re not fine. That’s why this melt down occurred. No one is a fortress, Bluebell. Everyone needs help sometime. It’s okay to ask for it.”

I compose myself, and give a shaky smile. “You don’t know my family very well. Thank you for the ride and listening, Ruthie. I promise you I’m okay. I won’t do anything stupid, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

She frowns. “I don’t like it. You should talk about this to Shadow.”

“No. This isn’t some fairytale that will end with a happily-ever-after,” I say with a sneer.

“It could be.”

I roll my eyes. “I don’t want to fight with you, Ruthie.”

“Yeah, because I don’t understand how things work. I get it. But I also know that this isn’t going to go away, and with Shadow back you’re going to face your demons sooner or later. If you need anything, I’m a call away. Who else would I get out of the bed before eight in the morning on Saturday for?”

I lean in and hug her once more. “Thank you for being an amazing best friend.”


I feel like a fawn on new legs as I leave the car and make my way to the front door. I’m not used to feeling out of control like this. It’s terrifying and strangely exhilarating.

The minute I wake up alone—I’m pissed. Did she fucking leave me? I ease from the bed and find the bathroom empty. I ball my fists. She’s going to have to get used to our new roles. I’m not going back to that wistful motherfucker watching her every move. I slam my hand into the wall. I spill my guts to her, she sleeps with me and then leaves in the morning like she’s some one-night stand? I clench my jaw.

This shit ain’t going to fly.

I turn on the shower and step under the spray trying to get my emotions under control. She wanted it. I saw it in her eyes and felt it in the effortless way we came together. I’ve slept with more women than I could count, but none made me feel the way she did, and none were bare after Calla. Lying bitch. Even now, she’s cock blocking me from her prison cell.

I bow my head, and the water washes away some of the anger and the grime of yesterday. She’s scared. If Blue had a bad quality, it’s that she cares too much about everyone. Even if they could give a shit less about her. It’s not completely her fault. I’ve watched the way her parents push her into this role of the keeper and perfect child extraordinaire. As if what she does right could make up for all the wrong Calla has done. That shit stops now. She’s always needed someone to stand up for her. Now that I’m here, things are going to change. I want her happy. She deserves that. As I think of how much she’s done for Bolton, and in turn me, the anger recedes.

This putting everyone before her shit stops. I’m going to show her how it should be and will be.

Pleased with my decision, I finish up my shower. I dress in the clean clothes Blue has been thoughtful enough to provide when she made up my room, and make my way out. The club is slowly starting to stir. I locate the first prospect I can find. “Prospect, I need my wheels and keys now.” I snap my fingers.

“Y-yes sir.”

I know they’d been storing my bike, keeping it maintained and driven to keep it ready for me. I’m aching to get on her and feel the wind on my skin. There’s nothing like being on the back of a bike and becoming one with the road.

A few minutes later, I have my keys in my hand and my bike beneath me. I grip the handlebars and let her purr. “I missed you, baby.” I pull out of the lot and take the long way to the house. This moment is what I’ve been waiting for. The open road, my cut, and my family all accessible. Pulling up in front of the house I try to let go of all the negativity attached to it in my memory. Calla is gone, and this is where Bolton has grown up. Maybe it’s fitting that I establish things with Blue here to erase all the ugliness. After killing the engine I walk up to the front door.

It opens and reveals a sleepy looking Bolton. “Figured it was you. No one else comes by this early on a bike.”

I smile. “Morning to you, too, son. You got a minute to talk?” I ask.

“Yeah.” He scratches his head. “Everything okay?”

“I think it will be.” I gesture for him to follow me with my head and walk over to sit on the porch railing.

He follows, and leans against the wall of the house across from me.

“I want to run something by you.”


“What do you think of me and Aunt Blue getting together?”

His eyes bulge.