"I love the way your hands feel over my body."

He leaned his head down as he eased one long digit inside her.

"Oh." Her eyes fluttered down.

"Keep those beautiful purple eyes open for me, Rivka."

She fought against the heavy weight of her lids to meet his intense stare. He continued to make circles. She squirmed. He hooked his finger and hit her spot. Her legs shook, her breath came in pants. She pushed her hips up, easily catching his rhythm.

"Is that the only thing you love?"

Her body stilled, her tongue grew heavy, and her mouth dried out. This was the moment. She licked her lips, swallowed, and shook her head from side to side. His clothes melded away. She felt the sensation of skin against skin. He removed his fingers and thrust home in one smooth stroke. Filled to the brim with love and cock she felt complete. “I love you too, Bastien."

"And I love you." He pulled out and eased back in, lifting her hips so he bottomed out. Their eyes locked in an embrace as he took them higher and higher. They jumped over the edge together, bodies trembling as he exploded and she milked him dry. They lay together in the grass, trembling as twilight gave way to darkness and the stars came out to celebrate their newfound happiness.


Two days had passed since the cold symptoms began, and he hadn’t improved. Something’s wrong. His condition had worsened. His skin was even paler. The whites of his eyes remained red, and his temperature stayed higher than normal. He could go to a hospital and wipe the staff’s memory. But what would be the use? What he had, they couldn’t cure. He sat in a chair, awaiting the read outs from his latest test. He’d botched the Elixir somehow; it was the only answer. Am I becoming more human? The thought filled him with horror. Beep. It was done. He forced his stiff muscles out of the chair and stumbled over to the printer. He blinked to clear his hazy vision, propped himself up against the desk and began to read. His T cells were through the roof, and his D.N.A. was … new. I did it! I finally did. Whatever I am isn’t human or Shar! He coughed. I’m like a caterpillar spinning a cocoon. Once this passes I’ll see what I’ve truly become. I’ll treat this like a human and a Shar sickness, more vitamin C, hydration, rest, and some of the Grisna herb heated up in hot water for tea. This ailment was a small price to pay for glory.

Chapter Twenty-Three

“Wow.” Phelan sat across from Bastien at the table in the kitchen where they’d come together to get caught up. His words broke the silence that’d fallen in the room as he told an edited version of what had occurred between him and Rivka.

“I second that, Ralston and Selia, huh?” Mars asked.

“Where do you plan on going from here?” Kade asked.

“I’m not sure, training of some sort.” Bastien shook his head. “I think the key is in the past. Knowing these two actually existed takes lore and makes it a possibility. Rivka is going to pour over the library. I want to get another Shar on it.”

“I know Zasha is only half Shar, but she has all my memories through our bond. She knows our history, and she’ll be going on maternity leave soon. She could use another task to help her continue to work toward bringing Tavel in.”

Phelan’s hopeful look made Bastien

smile. “Works for me. When does she leave the P.I.U.?”

“End of this week after she brings in Dr. Guerin and gets her familiar with the way things run.” Phelan shook his head. “It’ll probably make me sound like a terrible husband, but I’m glad she’s taking a break for awhile. We’re getting close to what we think the due date might be, and my nerves are fraying.”

“I can’t even imagine, man.” Bastien shook his head. Thank the stars, Rivka isn’t in a rush to have a child. I’m still wrapping my head around us.

“You gonna give the new kid a cousin soon, Bast?” Mars asked, a sly look on his face.

“No.” The others laughed, and he rolled his eyes. “You guys are such jerks.”

“We have to laugh about something. It’s been grim lately,” Mars said.

“In some ways but not all. Am I the only one who’s noticed we’ve been dropping out of the dating game like flies?” Kade asked.

“Concerned?” Mars asked.

“No, curious.”

“Of course.” Bastien snorted.

“I can’t help but think there’s a deeper reason.” Kade shrugged. A sheepish expression covered his face.

“Like what?” Phelan asked.

“That’s a question that’s been rattling around in my head. Maybe the girls can look for that too during their research.”