“Then we ride.”

His brain exploded in a white-hot fire that seared the anger out of him as his trip to the past ended. Emotions exploded like dynamite: loneliness, sorrow and resignation. The legend of Ralston and Selia was now his reality. He knew the story well, a mercenary who loved the Princess who controlled the weather and made prophecies for their people. The couple met in secret, bidding their time until her sister took the crown. The exchanged wedding vows existed for the moments they could steal. When her sister stepped up they left together, against her father’s will. He’d disowned Selia, but they refused to let it ruin the happiness they found. Only it hadn’t lasted. A terrible disease had taken her sister’s life. With the position empty for the first time since anyone could remember their people had turned on one another like starving men on a snow-covered mountain. Shame washed over him. Ekend’s rule ended at the cost of millions of others, and themselves, in a horrific display. The sky had rained fire, shards of ice, and snow that covered men up to their necks. It’s Tavel! He’s Ekend.

“Now you understand,” the woman whispered.

“We cannot allow this to happen again. I thought this tale was a myth. But I remember, this almost ended our people.”

“Yes. The universe wept at the sacrifice you two made and waited patiently for the time to right the wrongs done. You’ve come back before, sometimes missing each other, others never finding happiness together. This time you have the knowledge to do what must be done.”

“You want us to harness that power? It leveled an entire planet.”

“That was then. I need you to stay in the present and focus on the future. You’re the same but very different. You can contain it this time, master it and use it for what’s to come.” She smiled. “We have faith in you. It’s the first time we’ve shown ourselves to any of our incarnations.” She reached out and grasped his hand. “When she wakes she will remember.” She smiled. “Go with the blessing of the stars.”

Chapter Twenty-Two

“Whoa…” She clutched her chest with one hand as the knowledge she’d gained settled. Residual quivers shook her body. They were the souls of Selia and Ralston! This was the man willing to forsake everything for the woman he loved. He'd stepped down from an empire, fought what seemed like the entire world, and died by her side. Bile threatened to climb up the back of her throat, and she choked it down. So many questions raced around in her head on a circular track, looping over and over again at breakneck speed.

Was now their time? They were back in the same position, the priestess, the warrior, and the insane man. A twinge of guilt stabbed her in the gut like a blade. Millions of people had died in war because of her. Did they deserve to be happy? Years of pain, waiting, and heartache flashed through her mind. Yes. God knew how many times they'd done this dance and failed. It was time to set things right. She glanced at Bastien. The love she and Ralston shared was so vibrant! A splash of vivid color painted across a dark sky, it humbled her. A soul didn’t forget that kind of thing, it was still there hidden deep inside, waiting to be accessed. The thought warmed her heart and healed the parts that had been broken over the years. She closed her eyes, basked in the emotions and truth. His hand wrapped around hers.

She'd been forcing herself to hold back, fighting against the very thing her heart cried out for, to love Bastien with her whole self. Surrender to the emotions that had made him a part of who she was at her very core.

Love poured from him. His earth scent filled her nostrils. All the things she'd wanted to say but couldn't danced on the tip of her tongue. Pure joy flooded her like a river. She threw her head back and laughed. It was like being a child on Christmas morning and finding the present you always wanted beneath the tree. She opened her eyes and saw that happiness reflected in his warm, brown-eyed gaze. A smile stretched his lips wide, and she saw the whites of his teeth. His deep chuckle joined hers. Laughter mingled to become the most beautiful song she'd ever had the privilege of hearing. She moved her hands to cup his face between the palms of her hands. "It was you all along," she whispered.

"It was me." His voice was husky, and his eyes were glassy. "Hello, my love, it's been a long time."

Overwhelmed she leaned down to taste his lips and express herself the only way she could, pouring every ounce of emotion she felt into the movement of their lips. He lifted her onto his lap, and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

“Hold on.” He got to his feet.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise."

She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in the crook of his neck, content to simply be held by the amazing soul mate gifted back to her by the universe. The sun began to sink in the horizon behind them, turning the sky into a mass of peaches and pinks. The rays shone through the windows, turning the house into the palette of a dreamscape. It was a moment she knew she'd treasure for the rest of her lives and perhaps beyond. After a few minutes they entered a room made of glass that made her gasp.

“This is amazing.” They’d just stepped into a magnificent garden that overlooked the side of the mansion. Reminiscent of Ralston and Selia's special place it made the new memories seem fresher.

“It’s our way to remember home. I think we all come here whenever we’re feeling particularly homesick. It’s a recreation of the royal gardens. I want to make love to you here and start over. Begin again the way we should've been from the start." He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"Yes." She was ready to cement the bonds they’d entered into earlier. There was no rush, or greedy need, simply the desire to connect and worship the man who’d carved his name onto her soul. He moved them behind a cluster of pink rose bushes and sent out a mental warning to the others in the house, making a circle of protective energy around them that wavered between invisible and iridescent. He sank down to his knees, lowered her onto her back, and caressed the hair from her face with his fingers. The feather-soft touch of calloused fingers sent a shiver skittering down her body. She studied his face. For the first time I really see him. Pieces of light brown hair fell over his forehead, escaping from the ponytail he'd pulled it back into for training. She reached up to tuck the stray strands behind his ear. He bent down and brushed her lips with his, and her eyes drifted close.

The floral scent of the flowers, the soft grass beneath her body, and his muscular frame pressed against her sent her into sensory overload. Bastien peppered her collarbone with kisses. She reached up, freed his hair from its leather band and buried her fingers in the thick tresses, massaging his scalp. This was the experience she'd always wanted with Bastien but never dared. It would've been the end of the resistance she clung to like a lifeline.

"Let me love you." His words were whispered against his skin. The double meaning not lost on her.

"Only if it’s for forever."

“And beyond.”

She lifted her arms, helping him remove her bulky sweater and the thin cotton shirt underneath. He kissed the swell of her breasts, moving his hand beneath her back to undo the clasp of her bra and slide the straps down her arms.

"Do you know why I'm not using my powers to remove your clothes?”

She shook her head no.

“Because you're a present I've waited a long time to unwrap. Today when I remembered the truth about our past, everything change—I changed.” He kissed her belly and pushed her pants down, nipping her left hip as he removed them along with her underwear.

"From this day on, I won't accept anything less than all of you, and in return I offer you myself. I'm not perfect by any means, but I will continue to love you more than life itself. I have carried you in my heart, across space and time, seeking you out in some shape or form in each life I've ever lived. I don't want to waste a minute now that I have you in my arms again." Bastien skimmed her body with his hands as he made his way back up her nude body. He propped himself up on one arm as he lay beside her and trailed his hand down her body to the moist treasure that awaited him.